
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday - Day 3 - A Place for Everything

Everything has a place and everything in its place.  We have settled in very nicely. I don't even feel crowded anymore.  I actually feel like my life just got unusually more organized and clutter free.  Having the husband here helps tremendously.  Those few boxes got his attention and he finished unpacking his stuff.  He also pulled the boxes out of the Jeep all containing kitchen items.  I miraculously found a spot for almost everything.  John pulled the awning out.  It feels like home.  Windows and door are open, the birds are chirping, is this really our new life?  Incredibly with a little reorganizing everything has a home in the camper and nothing feels out of place. This is a good feeling. Nine months seems like a breeze, but it is only Day 3.                           

I pull a box of spaghetti out of the mini pantry area upside down.  2lbs of pasta rained all over the floor.  Ty is underfoot. “Oooo, sticks where can I put these?”  I snapped a photo. 

                         Pick up Sticks in A Sea of Spaghetti

An idea for a blog was born in this very moment, in a sea of spaghetti, this is my life.  I have to share these things, as I know this will not be the last disaster.  And instead of getting frustrated, I started picking up spaghetti and telling this story in my head.  I salvaged what I could as the dog galloped through the hallway crushing my precious spaghetti.  I also discover playing pick-up sticks as a kid helps my new found task of picking up spaghetti as my children eat and play with it faster than I can pick it up.
This is my life and I will appreciate every moment of it.   


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