
Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday - Day 11 - Crystal Clear

I have found a morning 'No John home' routine.
Ty is always the first to rise and James sneaks into my bed soon after. They are snuggly and sweet, lots of giggling and smiles. We chill out in bed until the dog's whining becomes unbearable.

Without even my first cup of morning coffee I am walking my eager dog in the chill of the morning air. He pulls aggressively. I can tell by his whine if it'll be a short or long walk. Today it was a long one, lucky me. But we are both satisfied as we make it back to the camper. Boys are behaving, and ready to eat.

I clean the few lone dishes in the sink while I warm milk for Ty and whip up some strong Joe for myself. The little man is feed, a few sips of coffee later, and both my email and FB have been quickly checked.

Cat is meowing loudly at this point so he gets feed and both four legged friends are watered. I consider getting dressed and pulling clothes out for the boys. My final task before we head out to begin our day.

Not showering is a huge time saver and something I am still adapting to. I will admit I tried showing in the RV after boys went to bed the other night. It was a less than stellar experience. Low water pressure, hot/cold variations. So my choices when John is out of town are no shower, use the one in the RV or wait until Ty is napping. I'm not keen leaving the boys alone soooo....I bet I'm not smelling too pretty at this point. If we move closer to the faculties, I may reconsider the latter

I vacuumed today. We have faux wood floors and a mini rug in the living area. It looks great when it's clean. So I lugged our vacuum, the one sitting outside, into the RV. (that's as close to white trash this little lady will ever admit to). And I vaccummed in all of five minutes. It made a huge difference. I was glad I'd made the effort.

Maintaining a clean RV is important. You want to feel comfortable and not cluttered. One benefit to living here is it doesn't take long to clean up. Vacuuming is a perfect example. Putting dishes away is a breeze considering everything goes in one cabinet or one draw. Even putting laundry away is speedy. One space for each kid and myself alike. A few draws too, but whose counting, they are mini drawers at best. It's still faster then what I am use to.

I can't help but think many people can't imagine living in a small space, especially with small kids. But, I honestly feel anyone can do it at any stage of their lives and they should. Maybe to gain a new perspective, enjoy simple means, or lavish in an appreciation for nature. A sense of freedom in physical, spiritual and financial sense.
I find myself adapting a little more each day. I am becoming more open minded, more deliberate in my thinking and unusually calm. I think it's the environment created when other like minded individuals are gathered together. Once I leave the gates there's a shift and stress soon finds me. It's an interesting reality. I am not sure what is all means, but I know if I keep writing it'll all become crystal clear.

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