
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday - Day 18 - "The Good Wife"

My husband learns a lot after a talking to people about our current living arrangement. The most interesting perspective is always from other husbands. John has discovered most of them are a tad envious, but mainly intrigued with our present lifestyle. They also have one thing in common, the only obstacle holding them back is their wife.

Their wives can't imagine living in smaller quarters with their kids, or giving up most of their stuff (to storage) or not having a huge kitchen. There are a number of reasons that come up while having the conversation.

I find it absolutely fascinating how many women nix what could ultimately be the best experience of their lives without even beginning to open up to the possibilities.

I accept I have the ability to spin most anything into a positive, but it's truly about making the best of any situation. Having this ability has allowed me to discover aspects of my personalty I never knew existed. When my son, James, tells me something is too hard, I tell him it will get easier and to try again. Life is only as hard as we make it.

So to all the men who want to plant seeds of living the RV lifestyle with their wives here are a few rebuttals for common concerns.

1. Wife: The kids won't have any place to play.
Husband: They will have a huge playground and pool, much more play space then we currently have. Plus, we'll save money not buying chemicals for the pool or maintaining the lawn.

2. Wife: There is not enough room for all our things.
Husband: You spend too much time picking up all our things, you deserve a much needed break.

3: Wife: We won't have a full size kitchen. How will I cook?
Husband: Sweetheart, I will be grilling out every night you can cross cooking off your list.

4: Wife: My shoes! How will I fit all my shoes into those tiny closets?
Husband: We will buy an RV with plenty of closet space to fit all your shoes (this is a fair compromise)

5: Wife: I just can't imagine not living in a house.
Husband: You won't miss your time keeping a huge house, we will be too busy using all that extra time and energy on romantic dinners.
(& then close the deal) Sweetheart think about all the disposal income we will have, allowing you to spend more time at the spa and on weekends away with your girlfriends.

With each husband mine speaks to, I am magically pushed up a few notches on the best wife scale. I have never thought much about my wife market value until now as I become more desirable with respect to my adaptability. Many men may be in awe of my husband because he is "living the dream", but I simply laugh and nod, knowing deep down I'll always be his "Good Wife" no matter where we live.

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