
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday - Day 31 - Wants & Needs

Often life sends us signs we deliberately ignore. It is often difficult to distinguish between what we think we want and what we actually need in our life at any given moment in time.

A perfect example is how we ultimately purchased our home in Cleveland, GA. While on vacation in Helen, GA, almost six years ago, John and I took the kids to look at a few homes in the area. We fell in love with a gorgeous little home on top of Pink Mountain with a spectacular view. It was exactly what we wanted. On the way down the mountain we passed a home with a "For Sale By Owner" sign. We took the phone number to call, but never did. We assumed it would be out of our price range.

We made an offer on our perfect little vacation home, with its quaint rustic decor, and learned it was taken off the market, the owners were not ready to part with it yet. We went back to our home in Florida discouraged, but continued to check listings to satisfy our wants.

Two months later, John found our current home on Craigslist, it was all wood inside just like we wanted, it was significantly cheaper then the first home with more square feet. When we went to see it, we realized it was the "For sale by owner" home we had passed while looking at the other home on Pink Mountain. Our home was waiting for us the entire time, the uncalled phone number still sat in our car.

Inspired by the first home, we decorated our new home in the same rustic charm, with log beds, a bear table and hand made rustic patterned curtains. We made it our own and it was exactly what we wanted.

The ironic piece is at the time we purchased this home we had not anticipated living in it full time, however, life circumstances took us to Georgia for three years. This home was exactly what we needed for full time living. We have almost two acres, two drive ways, and a garage. The house we originally wanted was high on the mountain, had a narrow sloped driveway and a dangerous drop down. James was a toddler when we moved in 2009, life on a daily basis would have been difficult on that steep driveway. Our home was not huge, but the other one was smaller with only a loft upstairs for all the kids. The living and kitchen areas were also smaller, and there was not enough room for a dinning table to seat all of us comfortably.

Thinking back, I reflect on how life gave me exactly what I needed, which ultimately became exactly what I wanted. That other house was not what we needed as much as what we thought we wanted. I see that now in hindsight and it gives me faith regarding other life events.

I share all this with purpose. John and I had to reevaluate our dream of owning a 'Land Yacht'. We fell in love with our dream after seeing and feeling the possibilities of what could be; beautiful modern decor, soft leather interior, quality of the design and make of the vehicle and most importantly, the most value for our dollar.

Life threw us a road block, the financing piece came back twice the anticipated interest rate, payments significantly higher. We discussed and weighted all our options. We choose to let this dream linger in the background for a few more years when it would be better suited for all our needs, not only our wants.

We knew going in we were sacrificing sleeping arrangements for all the kids in order to gain living space. For me, my first glimmer of doubt was seeing my 12 year old's face drop when he found this out. It was then I began wondering if this wasn't the best solution for our entire family. I find it funny how life changes things just in time to satisfy all our needs.

Without a motor coach on our horizon, we are still in need of a newer camper. We have restarted the search, revisiting bunk house campers with plenty of sleeping for all five of our children. Even though the oldest will be off to college in a year, we still have plenty of traveling to do and much time together at the campground. Keeping all our children happy and satisfied is an important priority for both John and I. Spending less money will keep us fiscally secure and we will keep our goals in line with other future plans.

I enjoy having options for our future. Who knows if we'll ever decide to buy a house again...... maybe one day, in the meantime its reassuring to know we have the choice when those needs are ready to be fulfilled, but right now I'll manage one dream at a time.

Photos below are of our our cabin (dreams fulfilled) & of the Class A motor coach (dreams of our future)

(Cabin living Room)

(Cabin Kitchen)

(Motorhome Living area)

(Motorhome kitchen)

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