
Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday - Day 36 - Area 51

It was a test of patience and a test of will moving from our old to our new camper and then to our brand new spot, area 51, today. I have not been feeling like my happy, good natured self while staying in Georgia last week. I hadn't had one decent night’s sleep. My little one, Ty, was up frequently, he was not feeling well and refused to sleep in his crib. I was also not feeling well, my allergies were horrific, my head was in a fog the entire time. Although, I am beginning to feel somewhat normal today, saying I was ‘a bit’ of a grump while moving would be an understatement.

The new and old campers were parked next to one another while we transferred our belongings. After moving our super comfy, custom mattress over to the new RV, John started tossing our bedroom items out the window of the old RV for me to place in the bedroom of the new. The more stuff that was piled on the bed, in the closets and on the tables, the more irritated I was beginning to get. An overwhelming feeling of unsettledness was beginning to take over my already sleep deprived brain.

All I kept thinking was, we are never going to get these things organized. I was in my very own, moving into a new camper hell. We have all been there, haven’t we?

John rhetorically asked a question I have heard before, “Why do you hang up ALL your t-shirts?” I swear it pushed my already sensitive state of mind over the edge, mainly because I don't, but he may as well have said I was an ugly fat troll, and it would have had the same consequences. My irritation turned into full blown beast, as I continued to pull items out of ‘The Beast’ into the new RV. James was constantly under foot until I gave him the business, John couldn't say a word without me jumping down his throat. I’m sure anyone listening to us (me) as they passed by had quite a reality show to witness.

As some point I became silent and stewed and thought deeply. I thought about why I was in such a foul mood when I’d been joyfully anticipating this day for so long. I internalized if I would ever feel safe and settled again. I thought about this blog, how could I even begin to spin this day into a positive, when it felt far from special. As I thought and contemplated my life, I couldn't help but wonder what was eating me, other than not feeling well, what was making me feel like something was just not right.

I continued moving things in silence. John and I found a moment to hug and reconnect, regardless of my earlier outburst. I found myself feeling slightly better knowing all our crap was at least in the new RV, even though it looked like a tornado hit the inside. I had stuffed dishes and cups, clothes and food in every nook and cranny I could find. I labored mentally and physically, feeling uncomfortable in all senses of the word.

My biggest, most unsettled feeling was where to keep the boys clothes. For some unexplainable reason it was really important for me to get the boys settled in and to find a place for all their things. It just seemed like a monumental task.

John moved the new RV into our new spot, Area 51. This is when the veil of uncertainty began to lift, just a little. I investigated our new site, from all angles and instantly knew I’d made the right choice. There is not a site directly in front of us, we have a big picture window in the back, allowing a nice view of the quiet, palm tree lined road. We have plenty of space for the boys to play, to sit outside and to enjoy the entire area where we've parked.

John turned on the AC and a little country music while I grabbed a beer. I told myself, I am going to start feeling like my normal self again. While John worked outside, my first task was to get the boys clothes in place. I ultimately moved Ty’s little clothes three times, I felt certain I laid them to rest in the best cabinet. Although, there is ample storage, determining the best use of each specific area to maximize space can be challenging. Where to store kitchen cookware, dish towels, beach towels, sheets and pillows is done with purpose. Each area was designated to my satisfaction, dishes and cups were restacked neatly, the panty was well organized, bathroom items strategically placed with room to spare. I felt more at ease with each organized draw and cabinet. I saved my own room for last and still need to do more work on it, but overall the place is perfect and to my standards.

I did feel a bit possessed earlier today, maybe I was adjusting to my ‘Area 51 Demons’ or are they Aliens? I pondered if it was due to making such a huge commitment or simply not having a clue as to what the future holds. I do know there are many adventures to come, and I will continue blogging each day. I also know sitting here, with my back to our beautiful picture window, as I look out over the entire camper, I am doing so much better. I am home and it is more then I had hoped for.

The spot is excellent, the boys are happy; the animals are calm and enjoying their new space. Check out the photo of Rabbit, so presumptuous in the new chair as if it was placed there specifically for his enjoyment. (I pulled him off after I snapped the photo.) John is totally enthused, he repeatedly has told me it feels cozy and he is very happy we bought this particular RV. Jack, my step-son, is staying tonight and tomorrow night, he learned tonight that his Boy Scout camp will be at our campground this summer. Such an ironic coincidence.

It’s coming together one day at a time in Area 51.

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