
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Saturday - Day 41 - A 'Lil bit of country

My husband and I lived in Dallas, Texas for seven months before moving to Florida. We took a little bit of Texas with us when moved back.

Living in Texas was new for my husband, while it was my second time living there. I had been residing there when we meet in 2005. I share this because I saw a change in him after living in Texas, a change I'm sure I already went through, but never thought much about it until now.

We both bought cowboy boots, my husband started to appreciate and listen to country music and he had a whole new understanding for the word, "Country". It was a lifestyle, not just a 'sad song'.

I also grew to appreciate country music my first round of Texas living, and I understood the difference between Dallas and Fort Worth very quickly. I always loved the laid back lifestyle of Fort Worth's cow country. I always tell people Fort Worth is truly what people think of when they hear Texas. While Dallas is cosmopolitan and transient. If you want boots and cowboy hats on real cowboys see a rodeo at The Stockyards in Fort Worth,TX, they won't disappoint. I probably would have moved to Fort Worth if we didn't find ourselves back here in Florida.

I share this to lay the backdrop for my husband's new found mind set. Short of a cowboy hat, put a pair of cowboy boots on his feet and he's become a new man.

There's the style, incredible BBQ and a lifestyle he opened his mind and heart to. It's a state of mind you never truly understand until you've lived in Texas for a while.

So here we are living in our RV at a campground, palm trees surrounding us and this morning my husband has on the country top 20 countdown. I kid you not. We were drinking our coffee, and the atmosphere was light and freeing. I had this undeniable urge to dance. Anyone who knows me, knows I'd give Elaine from Seinfeld a run for her money.

Ty was watching me with all smiles and he too began moving to the music. Ty and mom dancing and singing. My husband was taking it all in with pride. It was one of those spontaneous, happy movie moments. (I should add we standing on the table singing with air mikes, but that would be taking it a tad too far.)

I felt as if our life has come full circle. My husband and I moved from Florida four years ago, we've been on a life journey that has taken us right back where we started when we were first married. We are new again, free from judgement and happy. We have everything we need in life, yet to outsiders it may not seem like much.

Today was a positive reminder that a relaxing lifestyle coupled with good music that speaks to our inner soul and a family full of smiles is all we need to keep us alive and well.

A little bit of county goes a long way, even in our sleepy little Florida beach town.

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