
Sunday, April 21, 2013

Saturday - Day 55 - Dilemma

We made a trip to our storage unit today. A myriad of emotions flowed through my being.  It was an experience I will avoid in the future... if possible.

The second we opened the storage unit I looked in and flatly spoke, "What are we looking for again?" The task felt daunting, although I knew John would take the brunt of the hard labor, moving heavy boxes stacked high above.

On our last trip to storage, we managed to get though about half of the boxes looking for something of importance, I cannot recall what. This trip we planned to go deeper, deeper into the abyss of the cave containing all our stuff.

Entering the Cave!

With each box I broke open, a flood of memories and emotions poured out. Ty's crib bedding and mobile, he'll never need to use it again.  My baby won't be a baby when this box gets moved out permanently.

A kitchen box containing my favorite pasta bowls, which I've moved multiple times over the years; one slipped from John's hands and broke my prettiest bowl.  It could probably be glued and admired for its beauty, but I left it, at the bottom of the box, broken and alone, until I find a future use for my favorite pasta bowl.

With each box I opened, I felt like I was uncovering a treasure chest, not knowing what I would find, with anticipation would it contain what I was looking for?  Each flip of a lid brought on shock and disappointment. Shock of, "oh, I forgot I owned this," and disappointment of, "it doesn't contain what I was hoping for."

My mission was to find twin bedding for James' twin bunk bed in the RV.  He is currently using full size bedding from his previous RV bed and it falls all over, spilling onto the floor.  His familiar, Spider-Man twin bed sheets would be perfect for him, a little piece of his home in Texas.

We didn't find the twin bedding, and it's killing me that I've no idea which box it is in.  John found all the items he seeking out.  I handpicked a few favorite toys for the boys.  I found a few things for myself, stuff I could probably do without.  My biggest find was a bag full of spices. Oh the joy.

Overall, the entire time, I had this unsettled feeling of dismay.  I like my stuff, but have no use for any of it now.  I could not even remember what I owned, until I opened a box with unbridled enthusiasm. It made me think hard, will I ever need it all again?

Will we ever own a home to put all of it in, the furniture, the large flat screen TV, the incredible washer dryer I loved to use?  The kitchen aides, wine glasses, mixing bowls and baking pans, I get along fine without any of it.  If I never need it all again, when is the right time to purge? It's an awkward dilemma, one I will put away for now, in my storage unit.

The Unknown of what's to come.

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