
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Tuesday - Day 51 - In Area 51

It’s Day 51 in Area 51. I love the sound of that.

Today is an important day for me. I told my cousin, who I am very close to, that we are are not buying a house and we are living in our RV indefinitely.  He is the first family member, from New York, who has not been following my blog, that I felt I needed to do a little explaining to regarding how our lives have evolved. He understood, but I’m sure it seems foreign to him, having just bought a house for his family.  He expressed, as long as you are happy that’s all that matters.  That was his way of giving me his seal of approval, which means a lot to me and I knew he meant it.  I managed to blurt out, I am not a conventional person and I think that helped explain it all away.  I like to do things that are different, because I can and no one is stopping me. I know my cousin won't judge me because I am honest, and you can’t judge a person for sharing their true feelings now can you?

I am happy.  Maybe my idea of happiness is hard for others to comprehend, but it’s one of those things that until you have experienced this lifestyle, there’s no way to one hundred percent understand how it feels, but I know people who care about me will try to understand.  My cousin has grown up like a brother to me and I can sense he respects my life choices whole heartily.  Maybe after I send him this blog entry, he will start reading about my journey and he will have the answers to his questions without needing to ask.

The ultimate unconventional lifestyle!

A few other things happen today, let me start with the garbage I was picking up at 8am   I am 95% sure a raccoon got into.  My garbage sprinkled on my faux lawn was an unexpected vision this morning.  I knew I should have taken the garage out to the trash last night, but I forgot.  It was not a big deal. I picked up all the gnarly remains and was not even upset.  In fact, I felt I gave the raccoon or whatever rummaged through
our remains something to enjoy.  What was even more eye opening were the ants that had gathered.  As soon as I took what was left of their feast, they all marched away, one by one.  I found it interesting
how quickly they left in a perfectly straight line.  Fascinating.

"The  Ants were marching one by one.
hooray, hooray."

We bought Elmo a leash with a personalize tag yesterday.  Now we won't worry about someone stealing him.  He will be safe and sound, even if he’s romping around in the rain, someone will know he has owners who love him.  We love the cat and now the world will know Elmo, the cat, is loved too.  His tag is a big heart, compliments of James.  The local pet store has become quite the exciting hang out.  I used it to chat with my cousin today while James checked out the little rodent animals.

Elmo's new tag.

My dog is a character.  He didn't run away today because my husband bought him a choker collar last week.  He did run away yesterday, but I out smarted him and called “CAR!!!!” Rabbit made a 180 and ran back thinking he was going for a ride in the 'Big Orange Jeep'.  I caught him just in time. The jeep is immaculate thanks to John, and there was no way that hairy creature was going to find his way into my car.  He is a mess, that dog, but to my surprise today, he apparently decided lying on the picnic table is more comfortable than lying under it. Does anyone remember the show “Mad About You!” and their dog that stood on the dining room table in the opening credits?  I always got a huge kick out of that dog.

Our very own "Mad About You" dog

My day hadn't peaked until I received my personalized weighted Hula Hoop, from Daphne. She did a fabulous job creating my a Hula Hoop just for me. I picked out a few colors, but she picked out the rest and I love this thing already.
It's my perfect hoop.

Look at me go! Breaking in my hoop.

Having this Hula Hoop is my connection to Daphne and her parents. They have made an impression on me.  I was invited to have dinner with them tonight.  Which by the way was exceptional.  It is difficult to put into words what I feel, but this family is the real deal.  They are warm, giving, caring and loving. What you see is what you get.  Alex, Bob and Daphne have become an extension of me and my family.  The connection was effortless and sincere. I truly do not know how they do it, but they open themselves up and allow others to make themselves at home.  It’s a beautiful thing. I wrote about them in detail on my “All The Good People" blog, but now I can write about them on a personal level.  I will be saying 'Good Bye' to them tomorrow morning.  I will not see them again until they find their way back to New Smyrna Beach next year.  I will pick up on my experience with The Graf family in tomorrow’s blog, because tonight I am not ready to say, “Good Bye.”  I may have just met them, but I know I will miss them the most.

I continue to be reminded every day, I am in the right place, doing the right thing.

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