
Monday, May 20, 2013

Saturday - Day 83 - Chalk it Up

Waking up in New York City is one of my favorite feelings in the world. You just never know where the day will lead or what you may see.

John and I found a great little deli to get bagel breakfast sandwiches and coffee. It hit the stop, while we sat on chairs strategically placed, in the middle of a city block. We sat and talked and took in everything around us.

We watched a father with his young daughters, reading a book. They lived in the building we were sitting in front of; it was a beautiful day in New York to be outside, I wondered what their apartment looked like. We imagined what it would be like to do this everyday. How would our lives be different if we lived in NYC?

The city is dirty and crowded, but I love it. I love the food and watching all the different people. It's entertaining. You can be anyone and look any way in New York, we are individuals and it shows.

John and I took the subway to Penn Station and had to wait for our train taking us back to Long Island. We walked outside and happen to stand next to a couple of NYPD officers. They were funny, standing there, watching everyone who walked by, just like we were. It was true free entertainment. We shared similar perspectives.

We soon discovered, the officers were part of the main attraction. Everyone who approached asked directions. All day long they stand there and point people in the right direction. One officer shared with us, people often ask to take photos with them. The police are literally a tourist attraction, soon to be posted across social media. It's all part of the New York way of life.

As we all continued to watch the people passing by, I wad stunned. When did neon come back in style and American flag parachute pants with a matching bandana? People walked by in all shapes and sizes, different styles and the craziest shoes. I considered us to be normal as we stood there gawking, I would also consider us the minority.

My husband and I were simply wasting time together, it was some of my favorite time spent together. We sometimes have different perspectives and care about each others thoughts, even if it's a random thought. We share and feel safe. It's an interesting dynamic.

When we finally made it back to Long Island to get the boys, my sister shared some of the creative sidewalk chalk art the boys did on her driveway the night before. My niece helped and I laughed at the thought. Sidewalk art compared to a sidewalk show an hour earlier.

Good times together!

Chalk it up to living life in the moment!

Ultimately, we spent the day with many of my relatives. We saw aunts and cousins, nieces and siblings and grandmas. From one home to the next we made our rounds, enjoying the little time we had to spend with each family member. My boys were happy and content, hugs and kisses for everyone, creating strong memories to last a lifetime.

Our day wrapped up at my sisters house having a pizza party. Two nameless people found themselves in a disagreement. It escalated and got loud, feelings were hurt and someone went home. It was crazy and crazy all wrapped up and tied with a bow. I understood the dynamics between the two people, but could not do anything to prevent it. It all happened so fast. If we had video camera hiding in the house, I would have to chalk it up to good entertainment.

We are all in this world together, we feel the same feelings, and we all process these feelings differently. We express ourselves in different ways. Whether we are happy or sad, confrontational or subdued, we all have responsibility for our actions. Our methods of expression are vital and relevant in our ever changing world.

Round & Round we go,
it takes all kinds to get along in the world!

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