
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Sunday - Day 91 - Disappearing Island

It's Memorial Day weekend, what better way to enjoy a holiday, then to spend it on an Island that will disappear with the rising tides.

We hitched a ride with our friends, Greg and Chelley.  It's always a good idea to have friends who just happen to own a boat.  Thanks guys!!

Chelley & Greg looking good
@Disappearing Island

We brought coolers, a BBQ, a canopy, tons of food and drinks and all the usually beach supplies.

The five boys (Jack came too) had free range to do whatever they wanted.  No traffic or trouble to get in their way, only water and sand, what more do a bunch of boys need?

All they need is water & sand!

Jack showing off his skills
Ty taking in the perfect weather.

We enjoyed other people's music as it blasted from their boats.  As the day progressed we had a very nice view of all the liquored up adults dancing on their boats, occasionally one would fall in the water, making our voyeuristic behavior fruitful.

The boys found crabs to play with, their entertainment was possibly up to par with ours.  When we weren't watching people falling off their boats, we had a good view of all the interesting people who passed by, they were young and old, it was an alternative reality to spring break.

The more they drank, the better they thought they looked.  Many strutted by, wearing bikinis and muscles. We counted tats on the scantly clad, while others were hiding a six pack.  If you can imagine it, we were looking at it.

A crab makes for great entertainment!

The people on the boats in front of them,
makes for better entertainment!

It's a fun crowd, and we enjoyed every minute.  Spending the day on Disappearing Island, enjoying the scene, even with all our kids, was the perfect social setting.  It's an anything goes environment and when it's all over, we head out, leaving the sand bar to disappear beneath the tide.  What happens on Disappearing Island will absolutely be gone with Disappearing Island, until we venture out onto it again.

Totally Relaxed Day!

Brothers by a different Mother

We could only hope we gave the
twenty somethings a little competition. ;)

Boys being Boys!
"Say..... Dinosaur Poop!"

A little Siesta on the ride home.

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