
Friday, May 3, 2013

Thursday - Day 67 - Rain Me A River

If April showers bring May flowers, we should be prepared for many flowers this year, because it is still raining!

James found a perfect pink flower for me the other day.  He told me to close my eyes and when I opened them, he had presented a beautiful flower, and announced, "Happy Mother's Day!"  It was very sweet and he was very proud.  He even took it upon himself to fill a glass with water and he gently placed his gift for me inside.

I had to dispose of the flower today.  It had died.  I'm sure once the rain subsides and it is dry outside, James will find many more flowers for me.

It's been raining on and off for weeks here.  All day yesterday and today it's been rain, rain and more rain. The playground is flooded and the ditch to the side of our RV is filled with water.  It has become a miniature river, right in front of my kitchen window.  I didn't know I had water front property until today.

View from the kitchen window.

Small branches and palm leaves have fallen onto the RV roof.  It sounds like rocks are falling inside the camper.  I keep getting up to check, but all is well, just silly old branches.  One more thing worth getting use to.

My own personal river!

Rain or shine, James always manages to find out door time.  If it's pouring out, he'll hunker down inside, but a little drizzle won't keep him from going outside to play.  He'll build sandcastles, he will dig for treasure, and find big sticks and mud holes to play in.  He'll get dirty and I am absolutely okay with all of it.  When he finally decides to venture back in, I'll make him change out of his clothes, in the bathroom, and take a hot shower.  He loves it and he has the entire shower routine down well.

I love this child so much. I hope he knows exactly how much I adore him. If not today, then maybe one day.

James being a boy!

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