
Friday, May 10, 2013

Thursday - Day 74 - Super Elmo

What do you do when your cat falls through the ceiling vent in the shower?  Do you tell your husband or just blog about it and hope he thinks it is funny.

Our cat, Elmo, has adapted to the great outdoors and he spends many overnights outside.  I do not even hear him scrapping with the raccoons anymore. He must have stood his ground, showed them whose boss.

I heard Elmo meowing by the door this morning, but by the time I decided to let him in he was gone.  I heard him on the roof soon after, and silly me just assumed he would find his way down.

He really was making a racket up on the roof, I could hear him meowing and meowing, I finally went to see what he was up to and heard, 'Thug!'.  Out the bathroom door came Elmo looking forlorn.

The dang cat pushed the screen all the way out and jumped.  It's quite a long way down, but he made it.

Elmo pushed through the ceiling window and made it! 

Accumulated leaves along with the screen were scattered all over the shower floor.   I was able to snap the screen back on the window, and honestly if I didn't decide to blog about it, my husband would not be all the wiser.

I'm a little impressed the cat got back inside the RV.  He's a slick kitty.  That's why I love him the most. Shhhh, don't tell the dog.

'Super Elmo - Our Fierce Cat'

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