
Friday, May 24, 2013

Wednesday - Day 87 - Taking a Chance

Sometimes we do not know what were capable of until we take a chance.

James had his first introductory piano lesson today. He did very well and he will officially begin his lessons in one week.  He left happy and satisfied with himself, he hadn't known playing the piano was something he could or would ever do.  His mind opened up to new possibilities today.  Mine did to, I never considered myself a mother of a piano player, until today.

In James' short intro lesson, he learned about the black and white keys.  He learned to play the keys in twos and threes and he understood he had to sit up straight when he sat at the piano.  He learned a lot in fifteen minutes.  His new piano teacher felt he would do very well in his lessons.

I was impressed by my husband's foresight that lead us on this path.  My own intuition pushed me to take the initiative to enroll James in lessons.  I can envision James embracing his lessons with confidence and John and I will continually encourage him.  Today's events will change his life forever.

Later that evening we went to a Soccer trophy BBQ/Pool party with all our children.  One of the players hosted it, their home sat on twenty-four acres.  They had horses, cows and pigs.  It was a pristine setting. The pool area, water slide and hot tub had the post incredible view.  It was a little piece of paradise hidden away.

James blew us away with his swimming.  He slid down the water slide into the deep end.  Something he would be too scared to do before his swim lessons.  He saw on both his stomach and his back.  He played with all the older kids, and fit right in, not skipping a beat.  He has grown up on us, in so many ways.  I think to myself, we must be getting something right, because each time I see James succeed at something new, I know we are raising a strong, capable young man.

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