
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sunday - Day 119 - "What if?"

"The House is Gone?"

This is the question John and I were both thinking when we entered the campground gates late Sunday evening.  

Traveling out west the previous week easily made us forget we live in our RV.  However, after a long day of traveling, John and James on one flight, Ty and I are another, we were happy to reunite at the Orlando airport gates to head back to our cozy home.  

James & John on their flight.
James looks so grown up, 
an experienced flyer at 5

John and I booked separate flights using a companion ticket and airline miles, because we could not coordinate our flights together.  This was not a problem, but I did wish the seat next to me would be empty, on at least one of my flights, since I had a connection in Memphis, TN.  

John snapped this pic as Ty & I
boarded a CRJ  (tiny plane!) 

The stars must have been aligned, the only open seat on the entire flight from Memphis was next to me.  Ty and I were sitting in the back of the plane, but Ty and I had plenty of space.  I deliberately waited to board last, as I walked through the packed plane with Ty on my arms I was anticoatig the look on whoever would be sitting next to us.  When I saw the empty seat next to mine, it was mind blowing.  There is a God!   

Ty did not sleep on this flight, but I laid him down with hopes he may take a nap, he didn't sleep, but he did very well.  I received compliments on his stellar behavior when we boarded off the plane.  It is always a challenge flying with a child, especially Ty's age, when all he wants to do is explore and run in every direction, away from me. 

While waiting for John's direct flight to arrive into Orlando, in the empty airport, I let Ty have some freedom.  I kept him busy by giving him small pieces of trash to throw away.  One by one, with endless energy, he ran back and forth to the garbage can.  I love my crazy child!!!

Ty likes to clean like his daddy!

Our drive home was enjoyable, John and I reflected on our week and looked forward to trips to come.  Our summer will be very busy.  But what if?  We both had the same thought at the same time pulling into our campground. "What if the camper is gone?"  "What would we do if someone stole our home?"

It was such an outrageous conclusion, yet it absolutely could happen.  This is why John and I are married, we both think alike about stuff like this and we both laughed out loud.  We turned down our road and there was our home, just as we left it.  There was nothing to be concerned about, but....... "What if?"

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