
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tuesday - Day 107 - The Glass IS Half-Full!

I am the bright side, the forever optimist, the silver lining.  If I can make it better, I will.  

If anything in my day goes awry, I roll with it.  Nothing is ever that bad.  I can talk the talk, because I have walked the walk. 

I have lived through difficut times, but pushed through.  Looking back I can see the progress in my life as each of my dreams have come true.  I believe anyone else can do the same.  I truly believe anything is possible with the right attitude while maintaining joy in our hearts.  It all begins with a smile and ends with a light heart.  

Our thoughts manifest our day to day lives.  If they are happy and positive, the day will reflect as so.  If our minds are muddled with negative, unhappy or angry thoughts, our words will be negative and our lives will reflect the same.  I know this because I have lived both lives. 

That is my only secret.  Finding happiness and peace of mind is all that I do to maintain an easy life flow.  It is not always effortless, and I don't always achieve balance, but it can be done. 

My personal challenge is not to allow other's  negativity to pull me down from my easy state of mind. 

We all have that relative or friend or co-worker who finds a way to rain on our parade.  Their words are like mini daggers, aimed at our happiness, finding ways to steal our joy.  

They are dark clouds, covering our sunshine, building their energy, waiting for the right moment to rain on our spirit.  When the rain is not enough to squelch our happy disposition, a storm of anger will thunder onto our soul, stealing our joy with lighting speed.  It will make them feel better, if only for a moment. 

It is a dramatic image, however, it is true.  It has happen to me all too often and I'm always left wondering, "Why?"

I too have experienced the negative life forces during the dark times of my life.  It was a difficult existence.  This is why I empathize, and force myself to understand the synergy and how it works.

Now consider this, are you an energy taker or an energy giver?  Both sides have their own challenges, but I personally love my sunny days, they are my mental island oasis.

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