
Monday, July 22, 2013

Saturday - 146 - Prison Phacts

Our first day in San Francisco started extremely early, at least for me and the boys. They didn't get the new time zone memo, but they were happy and full of energy.  I caught up once the Starbucks at the hotel opened up, ninety minutes after they had awoke.

We all got ready and headed out to tour Alcatraz and see the famous Fisherman's Wharf.  We made a breakfast pitstop at a trendy little place, called The Grove.  Everyone loved the tasty dishes they ordered and we all tasted each others food.  The French toast was a huge hit with everyone!  

Together at Breakfast

The biggest shock to our system was how cool the weather was compared to where we live.  July in San Francisco, a big surprise that pants and jackets were a must.  The girls including myself were disappointed our cute clothing was not to be worn on the trip just yet. 

We rode a cable car to Fisherman's Wharf.  It was a long wait, but totally worth it.  Lots of tourists were on the same plan as us waiting while street singers serenaded us.  The ride was cozy, but we survived and got a great view of the top of Lombard street, the crookedest street in the world.

Waiting for our cable car

After walking a few blocks in Fisherman's Wharf, John grabbed a pound of round sour dough bread, just incase we were hungry on the ferry ride to Alcatraz.  Bread and water to feed his family of five in prison, was his little joke for the day.  We played along well.  

 Sour dough bread anyone?

Alcatraz was definitely a worthwhile experience.  We all enjoyed the self guided audio tour, even James kept his headset on and followed all the directions. 

 James listening to the tour guide

The great escape was my favorite, I love how three men used spoons to dig holes to freedom in their cells and escaped during the night.  It took them an entire year of digging, but they achieved their goal and were never found.  There is speculation they may have settled in South America never to turn back or reveal their true identities.  I wondered if they survived after all that planning and anticipation only to jump to their deaths in the treacherous San Francisco Bay waters.  

I took for granted how close the prison was to the mainland.  The prisoners could see all they were missing each and everyday.  Especially, when they played baseball out in the windy prison yard. 

Jack was the most revealing today as we all learned his video game, Call of Duty, Black Ops II, takes place in Alcatraz.  Jack knew the entire layout of Alcatraz before we got there.  On the ferry ride home Jack impressed a high schooler from Canada on his high YouTube stats relating to the game.  We had a good laugh with the boys family about both the boys' fascination with Alcatraz because they both played the same video game. 

A little bread bowl of clam chowder would top our day off.  We were all exhausted and excited about our first day of vacation, packed with goodness.  We took a trolley bus back home to the hotel.  Still smiling! 

Riding the crowded Trolley Bus back to the hotel

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