
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Saturday - Day 132 - A Walk on the Darkside

The morning came upon us fast.  I imagined we all opened our eyes with quick recall on the events of the previous day.  How will day two unfold on our Wild Dunes oasis?

I woke up early each day.  My toddler keeps my internal alarm clock ticking, even when we're apart.  I thought for only a moment our beach day may be difficult, but pushed the thought aside and engaged only positive energy.  Nothing is ever that bad.

It would be a beautiful beach day, despite the aftermath of the storm. Two girls had sparred, neither one speaking to the other.  We all made it to the beach, one of us made it very early in the day.  Our love for the beach, a tan and a drink in hand would over power any sour thoughts, or would it? 

We worked hard to be civil, but tension between the two lingered in the air like stale fish fry.  How do we make it light and happy and tension free?  Three of us pushed to mend and polish the scarred hearts.

We had brought a cooler with food and adult beverages.  Later in the day we ordered shots on the beach from a young, funny cabana boy.  A little fancy cup of liquid love would make any sour pop, sweet again.

We talked, consulted and opened up.  We taught, learned and reconnected on new levels.  It rained for a little while, but the clouds soon parted and the sun reared its happy head.

Once we were broken, now we were spoken, with new promises and hopes of new things to come.  We would be whole once again.

Later that day, we all dressed up for an adventurous evening out.  We had reservations at the number one restaurant in America, Husk.

Chelley & I 

Kathleen & Lori

Reservations were difficult, but Lori made it happen.  Her career allows for many worthy perks.
Thank You Lori!

Husk Restaurant
The Menu changes everyday.

The food and presentation were incredible.  Husk only cooks with local ingredients and the menu changes everyday.  Each dish was made with interesting combinations and bursts of flavor.  With each bite, we felt our synergy resored.  The entire experience feed our expectations as well as our palate.

Inside Husk

Our crab appetizer
(one of many)

A Dark Side of Charleston walking tour, per Margaret's research, was quite the eye opening experience.  We learned all sorts of fascinating facts about Charleston's secret dark side on this popular walking tour, with our very animated guide.  Smoking, drinking, cursing and death were only a few of the appropriate topics spoken about.

Crazy Interesting Walking Tour

A bar turned nightclub, Henry's House, was next on the evening's events.  Chelley and I had stumbled upon it our first evening in Charleston.  The variety of rooms, music, nooks and crannies, plus the rooftop, made it quite the fascinating venue.  We painted Charleston all sorts of vibrant colors this evening.

Hanging in Henry's House

But the cherry on our cake, was Kathleen's enticing negotiations, with a limo driver on the street.  For a price less than our cab ride into the city, we rode home in luxury.  Five ecstatic girls rode home in a limo, no one the wiser of their twenty-four hour journey.

Our luxury limo ride home
All was well in the universe, once again.  We all have had a little taste of the Dark Side now and again.

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