
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday - Day 129 - Reconnecting with our Independence

I drove to Charleston with my friend, Chelley, today, we are meeting my sister and two friends for an all girls fourth of July weekend. 

On our road trip, Chelley and I, witnessed two bad car accidents, we passed through multiple rain storms and saw one dude with a mattress hanging off his car.  For a five hour and a half hour car ride it was quite eventful and chatting with Chelley made the time fly by. 

We spotted the dude with the mattress on his car, on our way downtown and it really threw us for a loop.  I kept expecting to see a second guy, on the roof, holding the mattress down for dear life.  It's amazing the mattressed didn't fly away on the freeway.  

    We kept our distance 

After we walked around Charleston for a bit, we found our way to the top of a roof top restaurant/bar, Henry's House. It had a great energy and atmosphere.  I really enjoyed sitting with Chelley, chatting over a beer and watching the place fill up.  I hoped we'd find ourselves back there again.
When we were ready to leave, we offered our seats to two girls who we chatted with for a few minutes.  They interested me, mainly because both looked so young, yet they were in their mid to early thirties.  One had three kids older than ours.  I was stunned.  How did I become the an older, wiser woman with young kids?  Maybe my kids will always keep me feeling young.  
The girls were very nice and I sincerely wished them both well.  They happen to have a dessert from Kaminskis cafe,  exactly were we were headed.
Chelley and I both observed people outside, while waiting to be seated at Kaminskis Dessert Cafe.  There were families, young people and old all enjoying their evening out together.  We all were in Charleston appreciating the historic city's nightlife. 
I find that I observe people intently and carefully wherever I go.  It tells me so much about where I'm at.  I can easily spot and compare people who come from money, to the genuine tourists, to the tourists with money.  In Charleston there is a wide spectrum, carefully balanced in such a small area.  I listen to how people talk, I observe their clothes and how they carry themselves.  It all makes such a difference and I find it all fascinating.  The young people especially, mainly because they always appear to not have a care in the world.  

I saw one young couple eating dinner together.  Both on their phones tapping away.  I wondered if they ever took a moment to look up and talk to one another.  It truly gave me perspective on our current society and how we are evolving.  
Have people forgotten how to connect with others?  Are we loosing our sense of care and concern for other people?  Sharing a meal and conversation is so basic, but yet it appears to have become more difficult.  I have witnessed entire families taping on their phones at a restaurant, not once did anyone look up at one another.  It made me a bit sad for them. 

This weekend is about coming together with friends and family.  Some of us are connecting for the first time, while others are reconnecting on many levels.  I look forward to having many conversations, both serious and light hearted with the girls.  
This trip, for me personally, is a healthy weekend, to help me regain my sense of self and independence, to be a better mom and wife.  We all need time to enjoy life to the fullest both with our families as well as with our closest girlfriends and for me with my sister.  A person who holds such a special place in my heart. 

To all my interesting friendsand  family and the interesting people in Charleston this weekend.  Let's remember our independence, where we came from and where we are going in our ever evolving world. 

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