
Thursday, August 8, 2013

Tuesday - 163 - Children of the Campers

James plays with kids of from all walks of life.  He makes friends easily, young and old, girls and boys. I call them "Children of the campers".

I never know who will be knocking on the door looking for James.  He talks about girls he plays with, but I don't always meet these girls.  Maybe this is foreshadowing into his teenage dating years. 

The children come and the children go.  It's an interesting reality, many of James' friends are only temporary, but for some reason I don't think this bothers him.  I'm not sure knowing the children's names is very important because when I ask he usually doesn't know.  I do know 'The children of the campers' are significant to James on the day they play.  

I'm not sure how many parents I need to be seeking out to meet, I make my presence known as needed.  I would not want James to be known as the camper kid with no parents.  He is confident and happy and extremely good about checking in and letting me know where he is at.

I often wonder how James will reflect on this part of his life when he's older.  I'm sure he is having the time of his life and will always have a love for camping and campgrounds.  His social skills are getting more and more refined with each month that passes by.  

Without knowing the repercussions of our life decisions, I think John and I did well for James, but only time will tell the true effects of James' young life experiences living at the campground. 

After a long day of playing outdoors

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