
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Wednesday - Day 171 - American Author

"Best Day of My Life" is a catchy tune from a Brooklyn based band. What if everyday was the best day of our lives?  What if each day was lived as the last?  What would we do?

John and I watched "The Bucket List" last week. We each had seen it when it first came out, but watched it now with new found appreciation having each written our own bucket lists.

Incredibly, our lists had a few parallel items with regards to travel destinations.  It was reassuring to know we would one day cross off our bucket list items together as a team.  We each had other goals which were more personal to our individual growth, and we would support one another on those as well.

I have no doubt that when we are old (one day) we will look back with satisfaction on all we have accomplished.  We currently look back on our short seven years together and can not believe all we have achieved as a couple and how much we have grown together.

If, however, I had only one day left to live and I wanted my last day to be the "Best Day of my Life" I would choose to spend the day with those I love and appreciate the most throughout my entire life.  American Authors would be playing in the background.  My favorite foods and drinks would be sprawled out on a blanket, while sitting on a tropical beach in perfect weather.  

I would look at my husband and smile with knowing eyes.  It is simple, yet perfect.

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