
Monday, September 2, 2013

Friday - Day 187 - Old Life, lifelong friend

Quality time with good friends is something I always cherish.  I had the opportunity to spend time with my Texan friend, who was also my neighbor, coffee buddy, and fellow mother of two, Yen!

Yen and her family moved back to the East coast not long after I did.  Fortunately for me, her husband has family who lives in Orlando.  This will give Yen and I many excuses to coordinate seeing each other and to bring our kids together.  

At the campground playground,
All our children

Yen decided she and the girls would make the drive to my neck of the woods for a beach day.  I was thrilled, she was our first official out of state visitor.  

I took her to our favorite beach spot, a local beachside restaurant and we shared our campground facilities.  I think Yen was pleasantly surprised and truly enjoyed our new lifestyle, a far cry from our Texas, luxury apartment days.  

Getting ice cream by the pool

It is always a treat to see an old friend in a brand new setting.  You have an unbroken bond from a different time, yet it is easy to pick up exactly where you left off.  

I believe Yen and I will maintain our friendship for years to come.  She is a one of a kind friend to me.  Her zest for living life and trying new things is similar to my own.  We both love to travel and we share many common views on motherhood, education and family.  When our opinions differ, she will always stand her ground with confidence.  I have an unbelievable amount of respect for the person she is and the care she brings to those in her life.   We learn from one another and I love that immensely. 

Our kids get along exceptionally well and I suspect they will be friends with one another when they're older, maybe they will be accepted into the same colleges. 

Hangin' watching cartoons,
on James' bunkhouse

Spending time with Yen and her girls and sharing our new life, made for a perfect day.  It was a great reminder of how much I appreciate and adore our friendship.  

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