
Friday, September 20, 2013

Monday - Day 204 - Sailing thru storms

When Ty screams, he screams so loud campers all around us can hear him.   I think we are on the verge of the terrible twos?  

I'm not a huge fan of this label, as I am cautious not to preempt behavior, expecting my child to behave in a certain way.   However, I am an avid believer sometime between the ages of eighteen months and four years, our babies will morph into little, head turning, pea spitting, beings; who will fight for their independence and rightful place on this planet.  

They will scream and fight and stand their ground without any signs of giving in.  Nothing will subside their new found voice, but deep down can we blame them?  They only want to be heard.  

I use to think James was put on this earth to kill me the moment he turned eighteen months.  I felt little relief from his outrageous tantrums, until he magically calmed down at three.  Each year since, has become a little bit easier.  He is still spirited, but he expresses his emotions more constructively these days.  

On this day when I told him, "NO!" He understood.
There was once a day it would have been a crisis.

Every child is different and some may never go through this hair pulling, nerve shattering stage, but my own young boys have proven to me that the terrible twos are true and real. 

Ty will turn 22 months in 2 weeks and is having many moments of radical transformation.  I often wonder who and what he is, and where did my seemingly perfect child go?  I can sense, without fail, when he acts out due to bring tired or hungry, which are easy fixes.  However, when he is plain stubborn, and not getting his way, I work my hardest to maintain my composure and work with him to soothe his mood.  He has a temper and he is strong in his beliefs, even for a boy of his tender years.  

Sometimes, my little, multi-personality son simply needs a big bear hug and to be told he is loved.  Although, Ty does not communicate verbally, he understands and listens and needs reassurance that his feelings are important even if he is only a little guy.

As I navigate these mini storms, I can rest assure, this too will pass.  As a mom, I continually look for strength within to keep my cool, maintain control and take my time. 

Peaceful Ty, is not always peaceful.  

Ty and I are in this together, learning our boundaries and no matter what our moods, we will find a way to make it better.  Nothing is as important as my role in my sons lives and to ensure our time together is spent with care and love, instead of anger and frustration.   

Although, it is not always easy, each day allows for a fresh start, and amidst the mini storms is always beautiful clear sailing along the horizon.  

As we navigate through unpredictable waters,
my salvation is reassured, that this too will pass

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