
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Thursday - Day 200 - Parallel Worlds

A milestone: 200 days living in our camper.  

That is more than half a year, which doesn't seem very long when I consider how fast the years can pass on by.

Yet it feels like a lifetime because our old lives feel extremely far away.

When I examine time in distance, instead of in days and months, the road traveled is far behind us.

Many decisions were made along the way to put us on a specific path.  The path we have traveled is a good one, but I ponder that an alternate path is running parallel to our current life, but with similar threads.

I feel if we stayed in Texas, James would still be doing many of the same things he is doing now, he would be in sports, attending kindergarten and enjoying his life.  His friends and acedemics would be different and he probably would not have begun piano lessons.  

Ty would be in school three days a week and growing like a weed.  His teacher and daily activities would be different. 

John would still be attending law school, commuting to work and absorbing life with his family. His commutes would be shorter and his classroom study would be altered. 

I would still be studying for CPA exams, caring for the boys and cooking for my husband.  Maybe I would be working, I would not be blogging, and we would not be living near the older children. 
All in all, our lives would be similar, but different.  There is no turning back, but occasionally I like to look over at my parallel lives, if only to satisfy curiosity.  

Eventually, that other life will veer off in a different direction, much too far to see, or remember.

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