
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Thursday - Day 207 - A child's creation.

Tonight was James' open house at school.  I will admit, I had not absorbed the full magnitude of all my child does each day, until I arrived at open house.

I am absolutely certain my own half day kindergarten class was filled with more playtime and coloring then actual academics.  My son, however, is on track to read, he has a writing and a science notebook, he has done multiple 'ME' projects, he is mastering lower/upper case letters and has a plethora of math homework identifying shapes and concepts.  

James attends a six hour school day, he is learning multiple subjects, he has music, gym and art staggered throughout the week and he also has centers each day.  Which I'll learn more about next week when I volunteer.  He loves every minute of school and adores his teacher.

My favorite discovery while visiting his classroom was seeing all the incredible art work he and his classmates have done in the short five weeks they have been attending kindergarten. 

James' self creation

My favorite was his self portrait next to his 'elongated'' house.  The average person looking at his work of art would think James lives in a very tall house, with lots of windows.  However, to anyone that knows where James lives, they would quickly realize the 'elongated', tall, house with all the windows is actually his RV.  I asked James, as I admired the picture, and he quickly confirmed this to be true.  

The artwork will be framed in the new house, without a doubt.  

In the meantime, I will take a photo next week and include it with this blog post. 

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