
Friday, September 6, 2013

Wednesday - Day 192 - NO Touching!!!

James received a squiggly face today, instead of a happy face, on his daily calendar.  It is two steps above a sad face.

James broke rule#3

Code of Conduct for Kindergarten

James' teacher let me know it was due to 'touching' another kid.  I was perplexed, but was sure there was a good explanation.  I attempted to chat with James about what happened and who he touched.  

I did not make much headway with my son.  I involved my husband who has a knack for getting to the root of any problem.  He had a chat with James' teacher the next morning.  His discoveries were mind boggling.

"No child is allowed to touch another child in anyway, for any reason."  This was the rule in a nut shell. This also meant, NO games of tag, NO touch (or tackle) football, NO games on the playground that involve any contact with one another, NO hand shakes or hugs.  NO touching is tolerated - at all!

I was astounded.  NO TAG??  It hit me hard.  We loved playing tag on the school playground when I was a kid.  It's a child's right to play tag.  

No More Tag....EVER!

James' teacher went on to tell John, the rule is enforced due to the higher number of special needs children present in the classrooms.  This made the reality a little easier to interpret, however my warm, loving, touchy child was going to be schooled on an entire new level.  

John and I agreed, we live in a campground for goodness sake.  The kids play, and occasionally make physical contact with one another.  That's what kids do.  James has four brothers and sisters and is part of a tight, touchy feely family.  It is normal and natural for him to touch those around him.  Transitioning from one acceptable touching environment to one that's not will be hard to remember each and everyday.  

Will James be mindful and keep his hands to himself or will squiggly faces leer back at him from his daily calendar?  Only time will tell.  

I suppose dodge ball will totally be out of the question.  Poor kids,we had all the fun, didn't we?

No Dodgeball in our kids' future
:-} (squiggly face ) 

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