
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Friday - Day 215 - "not so good day"

Ever have one of those mornings where if something could go wrong it did?  For me, it was one of those mornings, it was one ridiculous mishap after another, all I could do was keep my compusure and keep pushing through, waiting for it all to end. 

It began at 7:15am on a Friday.  No alarm to be heard, rain pounded down on the camper, and it was dark in our bedroom.  

Ty had been up during the night and did not make his usual 6am rooster call.  He is always up early, sometimes before 6am, but not today.  Today I would sit up, look at my watch and scramble out of bed in a panic.  

James was sound asleep and no where close to waking up.  I roused him and he reluctantly answered my pleas and peeled out of bed.  

My son does not tell time, instead he uses minutes to interpret time.  We started with fifteen and now had ten.  Ten minutes to make a lunch, get James dressed, fed, teeth and hair brushed   We needed to be out the door at 7:30am to get him to school.  

We were managing our minutes well.   A little pushing and reminding kept James on task, he can easily get distracted.

As we left to get in the car, the precocious dog decided to go for a run in the rain.  He is a foolish dog, however my trick to call "CAR!" to coax him to run back, did not work this time.  He was off for a joy run and had no interest in riding in the car.  

I was out of time.  I made a quick, goodwill run around the campground wasting precious minutes to no avail.  The dog was left to be rained on.  

James was worried, but I assured him the dog would show up.  My only concern was to get him to school on time.  

Lucky for me, many, many parents are either always running late or had a rough morning like myself.  It was about 7:55am when we arrived at school, James had five minutes to spare.  Nothing like a little hustle in the morning to put a spring in your five year old's step.  

As I'm exiting the school, the officer directing traffic stopped my lane of traffic, leaving me first in line.  It's a major intersection and all I have is a stop sign.  I looked down for one second, and when I looked up, the officer was gone, walking to his police car.

"Wait! Where are you going?  Come back!  You left me!"  And just like that he was gone.  I was left to fend for myself with all the other 'late' parents.  

You know you are late when the traffic cop is leaving his shift before you get off school grounds.  Allowing him to get you out of school traffic chaos is reason enough to be early for drop off.   

Officer directing traffic out of massive school drop off chaos - good day!

Officer leaving right before you are about to turn out of massive drop off chaos - Not so good day!  

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