
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Monday - Day 232 - Creative juices.

Inspiration.  People often ask me where I get my inspiration from.  How do I find something to blog about each and every day. 

I take this question and briefly roll it around in my mind, looking for the short answer to a long thought.  

I often find myself resoonding nonchalantly, "Oh, I don't know, usually something pops into my head and I run with it".

This is a true statement, however, I find my best writing comes when I'm not putting too much thought into it and I allow it to flow through my fingertips.

I'll be inspired at the oddest moments, and I will pick up my phone and begin writing. I will save it for a time when I can reread, edit and add photos.  It comes in waves.  

There are times when I have no clue what I'm going to write about, my day uneventful.   As much as I try to find something meaningful to share in each day, many times there isn't anything new to share.  

These are the days I look within for some answers and wait for them to bubble to the surface, ready to be shared with the outside world.  

Writing has been such a positive outlet for me, I love the process and inspiring aspect of creating.  I often write something and think, yes, this is true.  Where did that come from?  And I smile with satisfaction.  

I have had friends tell me, I could never write like that.  Writing has always been something I loved to do.  I believe we all have our outlets.  Singing, dancing, creating music, cooking, working out, aspects of our career, humor, being a parent, each person has a creative force within, which is either already tapped or waiting to explode.  

Having an outlet(s) for our soul is the secret to a happy, fulfilling life.  Sharing our creativity, compounds the benefits of the creative energy.  Teaching is a great way to share our passions of the soul.    

                         What sparks your creative juices and who do you share them with?   

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