
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Sunday - Day 224 - Stress Series: Life

Life can be fulfilling or a series of dreaded, nagging 'to do' items that will cause stress if they are not achieved in a set amount of time.   


A dirty, cluttered house would normally cause me stress, and cleaning would be a dreaded task.  Some people don't mind living in clutter or filth, or looking at a sink full of dishes, while others have mild panic attacks at the simple sight of dirt.

Having a two year old sets the bar pretty high on what I'm able to tolerate these days, dirt tramped in the RV or milk trickled on the floor is a common occurrence in our camper.  I have the constant chore of hand washing dishes although it has now transformed into a mediation routine.  I admit I love that satisfied feeling I get when my sink is clean and how the carpet looks after a good vacuuming.  The anticipation of the end result, releases all the stress associated with the mess. 

I am also fortunate my husband considers us a team and we tackle the household tasks together.  James is old enough to pitch in too, so overall no one person is stuck doing all the work, which will make anyone feel at ease.

Cooking & Eating 

Without planning ahead, figuring out what to cook each night can cause me stress.  To keep my mind at ease, I plan meals for the week, grocery shop without the kids, if possible, and cooking suddenly becomes a welcomed event.  

However, I would bet cooking causes a level of stress in many households.  I love to cook, but I know a lot of people who do not enjoy cooking or don't seem to have the time to cook.  There's always the option of popping something in the microwave, eating cereal or making a sandwich, but how satisfying is that really?  I assume many people go out to eat or order take out, but it's not as healthy and it can be expensive.  Now there is a weight gain stress and financial stress associated with not cooking. 

I like to believe cooking is creating and food is a celebration of life.  Enjoy it - savor it - relish in your meals. This is the Italian in me bursting out.  

For my non-cooking readers, learning to cook at least one meal a week is totally worth the experience.  Consider all the easy recipe websites and IPhone apps to aid in the cooking process, if you can read you can cook.  It's really that simple.

I have personally experienced there is nothing better then hearing your husband or child tell you how good a meal is.  The satisfaction of watching someone else enjoy your creation is better then many things in life.  The stress of not knowing what to have for dinner has now metamorphosed into a fabulous daily bliss.   

Everyone can cook, some of us simply choose not to, which is like passing up a hot chocolate chip cookie, a trip to a tropical beach or a warm massage.  Once you get a taste of the good life it's hard to pass up again.

But if going out to dinner is still number one on the list the financial stress of how much money can we spend, will lead me right to the next stress of money.  


That feeling of never having enough money causes me stress.  We all feel this stress and regardless of how much money we make, there is always a reason to need more.  It is the angry cash monster lingering it's head into our lives. 

Money will cause everyone stress, whether it's monthly bills, overwhelming debt, a want for more stuff or a vacation, there is always something causing financial stress.

My mantra has been less is more, it feels amazing having less in our RV.  Although we will reunite with our things eventually, not needing them and living without has been a tremendous blessing.  I believe sacrifice is never a bad thing and being frugal can be a lifelong skill.  Who doesn't like a good deal?  I still enjoy nice things and I absolutely love exploring new places on vacation, but happiness always comes from within, nothing money will buy can replace that. 

It's a cliche, but cliches are spoken with truth

My final thoughts on life stresses:  Never allow any one task to take over your mind.  Always ask for help and take it when it's offered.  Remind your loved ones to pick up after themselves, it works, but no nagging, gently reminders with a wink and a smile go a long way.

Cooking feels great.  If you eat out focus on healthy is feels great too.  Satisfying a family with healthy and good food is a win-win option.  Splurge occasionally on nice meals out or bad fast food, but doing it all the time will stress out a wallet and the waist line. 

We will always want (need) more money.  Consider there is always someone with less than you, instead of focusing on those with more.  With more money comes more stress, and no one truly knows someone else's financial situation.  I have learned, just because someone else has nice stuff, it doesn't necessary mean they have more money.  

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