
Sunday, October 27, 2013

Tuesday - Day 240 - My Dad

I'm a huge believer that with the right attitude anything in life can be overcome and turned into a positive.  A strong mind is a healthy mind, a healthy mind is a strong will and a strong will produces a healthy body. 

It is a vivacious cycle, that separates the strong and the weak, survival of the fittest.  Bad health can affect our thoughts, negative thoughts affect our good health, turning those thoughts around will speed the healing process.  

I watched my own father survive two open heart surgeries, two hip replacements and spend a year with a colonoscopy bag, all in a ten year span. He managed through his illness like a pro, a champ who would allow nothing to get him down.  He survived because of his will, one I often tested as a teenage girl.  

My father loved sincerely and always had a story or joke to share with his guests.  He appreciated his food and was Italian through to his core.  No one could fault my dad for his strong mind and open opinions, because he was alive each day he lived on this earth.  

Than one day it was his last day. He had no outstanding health issues other then his arthritis which prevented his body from moving and walking well.  The day came and it was his day to leave and move on. 

Within hours of arriving to the hospital his organs began to fail him.  He had been a survivor over and over again, until the very moment when it was time to let go. 

My sister recalled the story to me: 

The night before our father's death, he watched a ball game with her kids, they ate dinner and he was laughing and acting fine.  It was his last hooray with his family.  No one suspected a thing. 

On his way to the hospital, as he left his home, he bid his farewell, as if he knew it would be his final Good-Bye.  

Life can be fascinating like that, 
when it's time, it is time.  

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