
Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Friday - Day 257 - An ode to throw up (part deux)

John and I have made a serious effort not to dine out in the last few months to be spend thrifty and healthy.

We had a minor miscalculation when we made an exception to go out this evening.  Our goal was to visit Haley at the restaurant where she works as a hostess.  We were all in for wings, beer and sweet potato fries before we even sat down to eat.  We treated ourselves to tasty funnel fries at James' request for dessert.

Funnel Fries - these were really quite good

And so we ate and ate to our hearts content.  It was a welcomed change of pace from cooking in the camper. It was so bad, yet so good going down.

Until.........we got home!

I headed straight to bed. "My tummy is so full, I don't feel so good".  I mumbled to John as my head hit the pillow.

By 11pm, I was tossing my cookies in our mini, plastic RV toilet bowl.  It felt so good to get all that nasty, fattening fried food out of my system. I felt bad, really bad, but much better than before I released whatever was turning my stomach in knots.

Next on the throw up list was James.  He was relieving his sour belly at around 1am.  John was the first on the scene with the horror of cleaning James' vomit up off the toilet and the floor.  James almost made it all in the toilet and only part of the bathroom rug was covered in nasty, mostly digested food.  Lucky John was on clean up duty while I was trying not to move in our bed.

John was fighting his urge to purge. In the meantime, he was enjoying the fruits of his sickness from the other end.  He opted for the campground toilets, in the middle of the night and made multiple trips.  I know this because the door slammed closed and woke me a few times during my half zonked slumber.  John eventually gave in and revisited his dinner as well at around 4am.  I heard that too.  Oh.... the joyous sounds of our family affair.

Ty was in my bed, John in Ty's bed and James, freshly showered, in his own bed.  Without whining or fussing, he had cleaned up, put himself to bed and effortlessly fell back to sleep. Ty was fussing during the night, but gratefully he was not sick. John and I could barely move once the light peered onto our faces in the early morning.  We had plans to meet my sister and family in Orlando.  I was almost sure we were not going to make it, but I convinced my brain we could do it, like the Little Engine That Could. 

.......Little by little, as two little men jumped on my bed, happy to be alive and awake, while watching cartoons, I talked myself back to life and managed to peel myself out of bed. 

 This guy looks better than I felt.

We are still not certain if we had food poisoning or if Ty passed on a that nasty bug going around. But we were certain of one thing.......

It was a long, vomit induced night, one John and I will remember forever as the day we gave up wings and beer FOREVER!!

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