
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sunday - Day 266 - Mom Update

Mommy update....

I booked a flight today to see my mom in December. She is doing better, at least she sounds better over the phone.  She's not physically better, but mentally she is stable and more accepting of her medical conditions. 

My mom is still home bound, with no plans of leaving the house other than to see her doctors.  She has the same breathing issues, utilizing a large oxygen tank 24/7 and she has other medical issues, which I won't elaborate on. Considering all this, she seems less sad when I speak with her, more like her old self.  She is a little more happy and a lot less feeling sorry, with no hope.

A little bit of happiness,
is better than none.

I'd like to think positive intentions and happy, uplifting thoughts helped her feel emotional better.  But, maybe we all simply come around in our own time. 

A strong, healthy mind breeds a strong, healthy body.  When feeling well is a challenge, it takes time to find our way.  I will remain hopeful that my mom is back on track to finding her way.  A positive spirit, will transform her body, and maybe soon she'll want to venture out into the world again.

It only takes one good day at a time.

In the mist of rain, there is often a rainbow!

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