
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Thursday - Day 249 - Halloween

Trick or treating in our campground, not very fruitful.  Although, James did get a nice Halloween goody bag from the caravan of decorated golf carts that the retires were driving.   I really should have snapped a photo, it was quite a sight to see, and extremely creative.  

James in his transformer costume

We were neighborhood bound to our future home.  Haley and Jack came to join their brothers for Halloween.  John had class and Marcella had plans with her friends. Greg, Chelley, Max and Dylan met us a little later in the evening.  All the boys had this whole trick or treating thing down pat. 

James & his big bro, Jack

Ty & his big sis, Haley

We met all sorts of scary and interesting characters.  A few scared the bejesus out of Ty. 

It was Ty's first Halloween where he could truly participate. He needed a little help at first.  He did not understand you can not  walk into people's homes after they answer their door.  The entire getting free candy from strangers thing was an entirely new concept for young Ty.  He held on tight to his treats until I finally convinced him to drop his candy in his treat bag.  He was very cute and funny overall. 

By the end of it all I had him saying "Trick or Treat!" On demand and "Thank You" once he had his candy.  He was a good little dragon. 

Ty was a good little dragon, invading homes

I would have to admit the experience was extremely fruitful.  We had lots of 'mommy' favorite chocolate treats.  Twix, Milky Ways and Kit Kats galore.It was quite the happy and easy little trick or treating escapade.  

Another Halloween here and gone.  Next year will be very different, living in a nice neighborhood, lots of activity and kids to participate in the festivities.  Something we hadn't had in quite a while.  It seems we are moving at the right time for the boys to benefit from having a good neighborhood to enjoy, especially around the holidays. 

James wanted a photo with Halloween decorations in a deli

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