
Monday, November 11, 2013

Wednesday - Day 255 - Puke

Life in an RV with kids would not be complete without a good puke story. 

My favorite is from a fellow RVer who so elegantly tells her child puke story on Youtube.  She posts some of the most incredibly, interesting YouTube videos.  I will share hers first.   Camp Colombo - Most Gross RV Living Moment
My own story isn't as disgusting or as massive as hers, but cleaning up chunks of your child's puke, combined with that lovely, lingering stink, holds true for any RV story involving throw up.

Here's mine:  

Ty was sleeping for about thirty minutes, when James and I both heard him cough in bed.  He sat up and without warning was sick multiple times, all over himself, his bed, his pillow and even his innocent lovey was caught in the mess. 

A combination of curdled milk, hotdog pieces and Oreo cookie with winter red filling.  Maybe not the best of dinners to be revisiting during bedtime. 

Ty was a trouper, I picked him up, and placed him in the RV shower, while I quickly stripped his bed before it soaked through.  

The smelly, puked drenched, bedding was thrown out the door in one flown swoop.  A few whipes took care of the naked bed (which doubles as a couch and is made of some incredible micro fiber which I learned does not quickly soak things up)

Ty was a brave little guy, whimpering and sad, but holding his own, waiting for me to return in those few minutes. James was eyeing everything from the top bunk.  It's funny how when the unexpected occurs, how we handle the situation sets a tone for our kids. 

I found myself not thinking about how disgusting the situation was, but how fast I could clean it all up, so I could snuggle my child and make him feel better. 

I washed Ty quickly with warm, soothing soap and water.  He was not happy, but needed the shower desperately, and let me finish without a big fuss. I wrapped a warm towel around him, held him tight and let him know how much I loved him as he settled down.  

Eventually, I laid him in my bed with a towel and hoped he would survive the night without incident.  

I hoped wrong.  Before John came home, I had stripped our bedding and relocated Ty to his bed with multiple towels.  

He went through about three more towels, as he threw up at least three more times, followed by dry heaves until early in the morning.  My poor little man was so sick. 

He stayed home from school the next day, a little sad sack, but he survived and so did we. 

Lots of laundry was washed that night and the next day.  Nothing like living in an RV, with a sick toddler and outdoor washer and dryers, that need quarters to operate, to make the experience most challenging.  

Life is like a box of chocolates, sometimes you get the gross, gooey one.  



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