
Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday - Day 288 - Strangers

I take for granted the innate kindness in people.   We see it during tragedy and emergency situations.  People often jump in to help when they are absolutely needed.  

However, in our day to day, when there is no emergency and someone needs a helping hand, simply to continue on in their day, it seems to be more meaningful. 

Random Acts

I ran a quick errand in Kohl's with the boys.  I normally try not to shop with my kids, but today I was being adventurous. James needed PJs for his last day of school next week.  He was having a pajama day at school the day before their christmas vacation.  

We picked out new lego PJs (on sale) and a book for his school book exchange.  It was a quick pit stop, before we headed home, other than the fact that I inadvertently left my cell phone in the pocket of the cart. 

I allowed Ty to walk to the car as I held his sweet little hand, so it took a few minutes to load the kids in the car.  When I checked for my cell phone, I had instantly realized I left it in the cart.  

I quickly ran back into Kohl's to discover someone already grabbed my cart. "CRAP!" I thought. 

I ran back to the car, dragged the boys back inside Kohl's, loaded them in a double kid cart and off we went in search for my cell phone.  

James thought it was funny as I peaked into people carts, inconspicuous, yet determined, not to leave Kohl's without my phone. 

A lovely lady suggested I go to customer service and see if they would make an announcement.  I beelined over, only to discover the customer service desk was zero help.  They wanted my phone number incase someone turned my cell phone in. 

"Aaaaaa, didn't I just tell you I lost my phone?"

I continued to check people's carts, but soon was feeling defeated after getting a few oddball looks.  The same lady who talked to me earlier checked in on me. 

"Did you find your phone?"  

I told her, "No" and her husband suggested I asked the customer service desk to let me use their phone to call my own.  (You know, those helpful folk I was already aquatinted with....)

'Call my phone? Why didn't I think of that?'  I thought, it made so much sense. 

In an instant the woman produced her own phone.  I was already overwhelmed with gratitude.  I called and my phone rang a few times. 

A friendly voiced answered. "Hello, I'm at Kohl's and this phone was in the cart."

Oh what joy!  I would soon have my phone again.  I asked the woman with my phone what department she was in and what color she was wearing.  

I shared a few minutes, with the lady who lent me her phone.  She told me a story about when she left her phone in a restroom stall.  She also told me about her grandchildren, one who just turned two like Ty.  She was warm and caring and understood my role as a mom.  I extended my thanks and quickly hustled my kids to the men's department to retrieve my cell phone. 

The lovely lady with my phone, remembered me and my two young boys when she grabbed my cart.  She recalled thinking, she was happy not to have her own kids shopping with her and emphasized with my dilemma.  She was sweet and sincere and I was thoughtful as we spoke.  We exchanged a Merry Christmas and our paths parted. 

I had two total strangers help me locate my cell phone on this otherwise normal day.  It wasn't so much about their acts to help, but their sincere kindness that struck and stayed with me.  Both woman had giving natures and were sweet to me and my boys. 

I promised myself I would be mindful to those around me.  To care and give my time, but not only when asked.  

To maintain a kind heart, in our busy lives and not forget or over look the needs of others, can be a daily challenge.  

Sometimes we are reminded of the individual goodness that lies within all of us, and it is a very comforting place to be. 

I was comforted today, I can only hope I extend that same comfort to others throughout my entire life. 

As James and I left Kohl's he said to me, 
"Mom, that was fun! Can we do it again?"  

And, NOW, I have come to understand, my children are also molded by my own life lessons. 

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