
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Monday - Day 295 - I am ready.

It is Monday morning and I realized today, I am ready to move out of the camper.    

My morning started with a cup of coffee and an ant filled sugar jar.  The ants were not the little sugar ants, they were large and frantic, frolicking in my sugar.   

This was not what I was expecting to begin my Monday morning. 

I am ready to move out of this camper. 

I walked over to one of our overflowing storage cabinets and opened it up.  Papers, James' kindergarten art work and I have no idea what else, came flooding out.  

I am so ready to pack up this camper. 

I took a shower and packed the kids up and realized when I was a few minutes late getting James to school how I wished we lived closer to his school. 

I am ready to move on and out of the camper. 

And my day was completed with another twist on life.  I met up with a childhood friend and his sweetheart of a wife, Anita, and their two adorable children. 

It made me forgot all about the start of my day and enjoy a little trip down memory lane.  My childhood friend lived right behind my childhood house.  Ironically, we don't keep in touch, but occasionally I'll get a FB post that he's passing through my neighborhood.  Meanwhile he lives in Nova Scotia.  

Knowing someone as a child and meeting them again as an adult with children is an odd and interesting experience. You know them very well without really making any effort at all.  

We all chatted and shared things in our life.  It was nice and easy. I had only met  Anita once before, but it was as if I'd just seen her, and it was over five years ago. She is a wonderful mother and wife.  My friend is a lucky man.  

Our kids played and enjoyed their time together.  They were well behaved and sweet.  

Maybe the next time our kids would see each other they would all be teenagers or close to it.  I parted ways with my friend and his family.  We had no idea when our paths would cross again.  It didn't really matter, once you know someone from childhood, it's seems as if you never stop knowing them.  

And although my day began with frustrations, it ended with value.  

Value for my place in the world, where I have been, where I am and where I am going.  I am ready for one stage of my life to end and a new one to begin.  

A conscious faithful release for life to move on as it was meant to be 

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