
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Tuesday - Day 275 - Acquiesce

Acquiesce Define:  


 intransitive verb \ˌa-kwē-ˈes\
verb (used without object), ac·qui·esced, ac·qui·esc·ing.
to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; accept; or allow something to happen by staying silent or by not arguing; consent: to acquiesce halfheartedly in a business plan.

This is a word we are training our children to understand the meaning of, specifically our 2 year old.

My husband told Ty to acquiesce to his big brother.  You can imagine how that went over.

Our household is filled with much stubbornness.  We all have strong personalities, making submission to each other difficult at times.

Admission of any core family issue is the first step to a tranquil home life.  Two wild little boys in an RV, running from end to end is anything but tranquil.

I have suddenly become a referee, and acquiesce is my new favorite word to teach the boys to chill the heck out. (although, I've been known to use stronger words) 

We're not quite at the tranquil stage, but each day begins with laughter and smiles, when two little men jump into our bed at 6am (or earlier) and it ends with adorable, sound sleeping little boys. 

In between, we have constant chaos and excitement.  James enjoys antagonizing (by other favorite word) his little brother and Ty thoroughly enjoys, scratching, pinching, biting and hitting his older brother, over the head, with hard objects. 

These are the days I will recall fondly, when my boys are men, taller than I am, hugging me tight, telling me they love me in their deep manly voices.  I will smile knowing, they are still with me because I didn't let them kill each other and forced them to acquiesce to one another when they were kids. 


And we are all given the strength to survive each day with Tender Loving Care,  
(as long as we follow mom's rules)

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