
Monday, January 6, 2014

Friday - Day 306 - Last Visiting Day

Friday was my last full day visiting mom.  She seemed good overall, but was still adjusting to her new environment.  I spent time with mom, supportive and appreciative of our time left with one another. 

My sister, Margaret, had taken my kids the day before and was keeping them until later today.  It helped keep the dynamics relaxed and calm while visiting mom.  

John and I, enjoyed our evening the night before together and today child free.   We would also take advantage of an evening out with my sister and her boyfriend while my oldest sister spent some quality time with the boys.  

Ty & Brooklyn 

It is times like these I truly miss not having my sisters live close to me.  They are always ready and able to spend quality time with their nephews and spoil them rotten.   As my boys grow older their relationships with their aunts gets stronger and stronger.  They love their time together.   I love it equally as much. 

Ensuring their relationships are maintained is one of the most important things I can do for my boys.  Family dynamics are important no matter where we all live. 

James & my oldest niece

All and all our trip to New York was well worth the drive.  I wish I took more photos, but the memories will last forever.  I wish the trip was not prompted by my mother being sick, but life always seems to steer us in the direction we were meant to be in.  

Letting go of the wheel is often the best way to cope with unexpected life roads.  

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