
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Monday - Day 302 - Lady Liberty

 We rose early in the AM to drive to NY. 
Our RV felt very far away.  We knew the drive would be worth every minute of every mile.

My instincts told me this was where we were suppose to be.  New York for Christmas with family was good place to be, unfortunately it was not prompted under the best of circumstances.  

The drive was good.  No traffic, no weather and we left early enough to beat all the other travelers at the rest stops.

The funny part about traveling during the holidays.  Everyone else is traveling too, as if following the same exact route.  There is no escaping the herds of people getting to the same destination as you. 

Once in New York City, we caught a glimpse of The Statue of Liberty.  James screamed and screamed. "I saw that mom, I've been there!"  It took John and I a minute to understand.  We had taken the older kids to tour the Statue of Liberty the year we were married, but never James.  

Why was James thinking he'd been to see her?  All at once it made sense to both of us.  Vegas!!  He remembered seeing the New York, New York hotel in Vegas.  It had a smaller version of The Statue of Liberty. 

James is getting to the age where we can start making plans to sightsee in NYC and those memories will remain with him for a lifetime.  

John and I agreed to take him to see Miss Liberty sometime soon in the future.  He truly thinks he saw The Satue of Libery, but climbing inside all the way to her crown will be an entirely new and lasting impression on his young mind.  One little adventure at a time.  

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