
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday - Day 27 - Angry Universe

Do you ever have one of those days and you begin to think, "What did I do to make the Universe angry?" Everything seems to go haywire and you're not sure why.

Today was one of those days. We felt we were all settled and things were going along smoothly, but life decided to throw us a curve ball.

We woke up early this morning to take James to his T-ball practice at 8am. John was determined to get us there early today, since we'd been late previous Saturdays. It was such a minor little expectation, but it was as if the universe was smiling, saying, "No, we are not going to make this easy for you, not today."

We almost made it in the jeep with time to spare, until John innocently asks "Did we unplug the coffee pot?" I had no idea, so we sent James in to check. The dog bolts out the door and immediately harasses a little white dog from New York. Not a good idea Rabbit! John races to fetch him and manages to get the dog under control, but not before scaring the heck out of both the dog and owner.

We managed to get to T-ball on time, but not as early as we'd planned. As soon as practice was over, John had to deal with the irate New Yorker and have Rabbit's vet papers faxed to the campground from Texas. All worked out fine, but it was a lot of headache because we sent James in to check the coffee pot that was already unplugged.

That was only the beginning of our day. We almost lost James in Target after sorting through the doggy drama. For five entire minutes John and I both were panicked thinking the other one had him.

Quickly after locating James, John finds out his FedEx package was dropped off at a strangers residence, meanwhile we have a PO Box as a mailing address.

We get home and Rabbit escapes a second time, luckily our neighbor was close by to help grab him before he ate the little yappy New York dog again.

We eventually make it to the pool with four of our kids, later in the day it starts lighting and thundering. We barely make it back to the camper before it pours down on us. As soon as the rain comes the RV begins leaking in two different places.

After pots are strategically placed, the power goes out. Too many amps being used and the electrical power hook up to the camper was fried and melted, partially stuck in the outside outlet.

Is this the reason why we found a new camper so soon? Could anything else fall apart? Can the day get any better then this?

John and I reflect on the day and here is my theory. Living full time in an RV was not in our master plan. We impulsively changed course and the universe is catching up to our new life path. It may take a few days to sort things out.

I've also had issues at the post office this week, the ultimate wrong time, wrong place fiasco which changed the course of an entire afternoon. These things don't normally happen. It's like living an alternate reality.

On a positive note with all the craziness and chaos, a few good things did happen today. James learned to ride his bike without training wheels in five minutes. We are all so proud of him. He's quite the speed demon now on two wheels.

We also took the kids to a hilarious, family movie today called 'The Chroods'. It was reminiscent of our own crazy family, but no matter what happens there's always a lot a love and a lot of fun. We each could relate to the characters in it.

I know John and I and even the kids can handle whatever the universe throws at us. Maybe we are changing course, but it'll all smooth itself out and in the meantime, we will enjoy the ride that life is offering.

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