
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday - Day 28 - No power at the beach.

We had no power this morning and even our propane had just about run out. I managed to make boiling water for instant coffee and Ty's breakfast before propane was completely out. I also had emergency boxed formula for Ty, no need to use the microwave to warm his milk.

I was hopeful I could take a quick RV shower, but no propane equals no hot water. No power means no TV for James, no microwave, no toaster, no percolated coffee, no computers, Wifi, or vacuum. Such small sacrifices to make.

We do have 12 volt power from the RV battery. This means we can turn on lights and my phone is charging as I type this.

I decided to skip the shower and sweep the floor. James is riding his bike. As I boiled water for the coffee, I couldn't help but think, isn't this how people did it before electricity, Little House on the Prairie days.

It's really not so bad, the weather is perfect, windows are open, we are not suffocating in heat or frozen due to cold. The other inconveniences are minor and will be fixed soon. John knows what needs to be done and I don't doubt his abilities to keep us stabilized for two more days?

Our refrigerator is the most critical, without power it automatically runs on propane, no propane and it will slowly begin to warm up. In order to fill the propane tank we need to unhook and move the entire vehicle. We leave for our home in Georgia in two days, so we can manage without propane. When we get back from Georgia, we should be picking up our new 'Land Yacht' the very next day. It truly is our last days in our sad little withering beast. She is holding up for us well.

John fixed the power plug and the campground fixed their end of the power supply as well. We enjoyed a beautiful windy day at the beach with dear friends and their two boys. They have become family to us. We had the most enjoyable lunch, live music in the background and the kids not only ate all their food, but were very well behaved. I have a good feeling our lives just got back on track.

I truly believe it's not what happens in life, it is how we cope with what happens.

Who needs power, when you have the beach!

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