
Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Monday - Day 64 - Hail, Hail, The Beast is Gone!

We officially sold "The Beast" today, to the nice family who came by this weekend to see it.

Emilee had come by with her two children and another couple on Friday. The kids had fun and played with bugs while the adults inspected the camper from top to bottom.

When the little girl saw me today, she asked where James was.  She was hoping to see him.  I was surprised she remembered his name, I had no idea James made such an impression on her.  James is a sweet boy, but I often forget the impact he has on others, especially on sweet little girls.  I had to break the news that James was with his dad in Georgia.  She looked a bit disappointed.

Emilee's uncle came with her to drive the camper to her house.  He looked it over and had some concerns. He asked me a few questions, but soon discovered I was a middle man and wasn't able to answer anything with as much detail as my husband.

I immediately had concerns Emilee's uncle would have too many reservations about purchasing our Beast of a camper.  I remained positive, but felt there was a chance we may not make the sale.  I was hopeful Emilee's emotional investment would be enough to seal the deal.

After a few phone calls to her husband, Bryan, he gave the okay over the phone.  He told Emilee, sight unseen, to make the purchase and take their new camper home.  I breathe a sigh of relief.

Our husbands had spoken over the phone many times and both were on the same page regarding full disclosure regarding any previous issues with the camper.  Emilee and I managed to make the exchange without our husbands present.  We both signed two bills of sale, one for each of us, I signed over the title and she handed me a cashiers check for the agreed upon amount.

As they pulled away I wondered if I should have taken John's Gator plate, and I noted all our bumper stickers from previous trips we had taken. Our destination map still stuck on the side of the camper next to the door.

Watching our old RV pull out of the campground felt good.  She is in good hands I thought and I know many new memories will be made by the great family who purchased it.  It was the right time to sell and the next step in our journey.  An era has gone by and I look forward to what the new era will bring.

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