
Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday - Day 48 - Island Girl

I love days that start one way and end totally unexpected. Today was one of those days; I have a few friends to thank for that.

I started my day at my girlfriend's house.  She and her husband had to work and I happily volunteered to watch after her wonderful boys for part of the day.  I packed my own boys in the Jeep, along with all my dirty laundry and headed to their house at 8:30 this morning.

All four boys and I had a fabulous morning, the three oldest boys swam in their pool, they hit T-balls in the front yard, ate pizza and watched Cars 2, because that is what boys do.  I managed to get two loads of laundry done before my friend came home and it felt like we all had a productive day.

My girlfriend and I met in Lamaze when we were having our oldest boys.  They were born three days apart.  We call them brothers from a different mother.  We have always stayed in close contact and considering we didn't live in the same state most of their lives, the boys are closer than ever.  They play on the same T- ball team and get along exceptionally well.  Our second sons are two years apart; having all the boys together is always an adventure.

Brothers by a different Mother
 (in their younger years)

We keep telling our friends to park their camper next to ours and I think they are planning to do it soon.  Not to live in, but maybe just for a weekend.  I'm wondering if I make Jell-O shots if they'll decided to stay for a while.

When I arrived back at the campground mid-afternoon, John was at the pool.  I parked the Jeep and spent time at the pool with him, the boys and my new found friends from this week, Bob, Alex and Daphne.  They were enjoying the gorgeous weather at the pool, I quickly introduced my husband and everyone seemed to hit it off immediately.  Of course  my husband had already read all about my day meeting them while he was out of town, my Day 46 blog.

I eventually ran back to our RV to change into my bikini and came back to see the girls,Alex and Daphne hula hooping.  I love that they do this and was looking forward to watching them.  Within five minutes, they were encouraging me to Hula Hoop.  I was seriously thinking there is no way I will be able to do this.  I cannot hula hoop, absolutely not!  After alittle coaxing from the girls I had one of their hoops around my waist and I was moving my hips in ways I didn't know they could move.  Their weighted hoops are pretty incredible, and after a few failed attempts, I was miraculously hula hooping.  It felt sexy and fun.  I was hooked. I secretly promised myself once I mastered the hula hoop and find my hour glass figure, I'm taking belly dancing lessons. 

Future Belly Dancer  ;)

I had no idea how much work it really was and I was out of breath when I finally sat down after about thirty minutes.  Daphne is truly a pro; I enjoyed watching her move with little to no effort.  She did her tricks and was trulyinspiring.  I can't wait till she's back next year when I have improved.  She and I will be having hula hoop contests by the pool.  

Daphne being her cute self

I told Alex about the fish we had caught Friday and asked her if she had a good recipe to cook it with.  She suggested a picatta, with fresh lemon and capers.  Perfect, let’s pool our resources, get together and break bread. I had already invited my friends, whose house I was at earlier, and before I knew it, they were texting that they were on their way.  It was our first impromptu get together at our camping spot.  John and I went back and did a quick Tasmanian Devil clean inside and out.  With help from our old friends swinging by the store and our new friends whipping up a fabulous side we all managed to pull together quite a nice meal.  We mingled inside and out, cooked and ate, shared and learned.  It’s the way of the world at the campground.  It’s what people do here.  They spend time together, giving and understanding one another.

I made a decision today.  I want to be here to see everyone come back next season.  I want to see the cycle of people that come and go.  I look forward to seeing how life will change and who I will be in a year while I call this place home.  It has really grown on me and I am sure I will a different person by then. I am on this journey for a reason, and in time I will be able to reflect and know exactly what that reason is.  I have this uncanny intuition things are going to keep getting better, but I have no idea what’s on the horizon.

John shared a few music videos online with me this evening before we went to bed. This is our favorite, it's our theme song for our new life.  We both got it bad and I love that we are on this journey together.  We've hung our "Pirate Flag" and I'm the Island girl.

  The New Theme Song of our life : "Pirate Flag"
 (and an Island Girl)

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