
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday - Day 49 - Joyful Wanderlust

Today was full of joy and memories were made. It was also full of anticipation and worry.  I find it interesting how our emotions can multitask at any given moment.

The day began with my happy little Ty running around the RV laughing and giggling.  He was trying to climb on his brother's top bunk with so much excitement. I plopped him on top and he sat with his brother watching "Kipper," a huge smile on his face. He is such a happy little man. I hope his life is always full of joy.

Happy Boys first thing in the morning.
Soon later, we discovered Elmo, our cat, was no where to be found. He was last heard walking and meowing on top of the camper, around one am.  I wasn't worried, but my husband was. I was sure Elmo would be back to eat soon, but I was wondering why he didn't come home by the time we left for the beach at eleven am.

We met our teenage children at the beach, including the boyfriend of our soon to be seventeen year old. Her birthday is on Tuesday.  When I met Haley she was nine, only a few years older than James is today.  A few years can make a huge difference.  I have no idea how she matured into such a young woman.

We had a great time at the beach, even though it was cloudy. I was happy to have the family all together enjoying life and having nothing we needed to do, other than to be together. We are all infatuated with the beach. Even James and Ty have effortlessly adapted to their new beachy environment spending hours playing in the sand and running in the water.

Marcella & Ty
He fell asleep on her while she was standing in the Ocean

James in his element

We made it back to the camper mid-afternoon. No trace of Elmo. I was getting concerned. John was worried someone would take him home. I felt that was extreme, who takes home a strange cat?  I thought Elmo was either lost or had found a new family to feed him.  I promised myself I would look for him later, I love that cat.

We watched a movie with the kids, cooked dinner and I made Haley's Birthday cake.  A perfect, lazy afternoon and evening with all our incredible children. James was so happy when we told him we were spending the day with the kids, he said, "Yeah, my sisters and my brother.  All my favorite kids!"  His world is complete when we are all spending time as a family.

John with his first little girl, 17 years doesn't seem so long ago!
Weather was bad outside while we watched bad, adult cartoons on TV.  There was a tornado warning for about an hour.  We were cozy in the camper, listening to the rain pound on the roof. It's loud and can be intimating.  I thought seriously for the first time in my life about the possibility of a tornado.  I was borderline anxious. While in the restroom, I thought, "Here I am in the RV bathroom, this would be the time the tornado would hit."  I finished extra fast just to be safe.

Rabbit was shaking in his fur the entire evening.  We joked he was concerned about Elmo every time he looked out the door. When we least expected it, Elmo came running out from under the camper.  John brought him in and we were all extremely happy, we all loved on that silly wanderlust of a cat.  We were all worried about Elmo, especially since the weather was so brutal out.  The kids were able to leave in between down pours, with reassurance the cat was safe at home.
By then, it was Ty's bedtime.  He started his day happy and joyful and he ended his day the same.  His belly was full of Haley's yummy birthday cake and he was all smiles until the minute I laid him down in the bottom bunk, kissed his fat little checks and told him to have sweet dreams. His two fingers in his mouth, lovey snuggled close and off he fell into a peaceful sleep.

These are the days we will look back on with awe.  Our oldest soon crossing over into adulthood, and our youngest without a care in the world. It doesn't feel like Haley's grown, yet she'll be on her own, off to college before we know it.  Little Ty will be seventeen one day, and Haley will look at him and say, "Ty, I can't believe I have to look up to you, how'd you get so big?  I remember when you were the cutest little baby, with sweet chubby checks, running around screaming without your diaper on!"  Haley's little brothers won't be so little anymore.

Our Oldest & Youngest.  How sweet it is!

Our first camper cake.
We ate almost all of it.

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