
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Tuesday - Day 79 - Outsmarting the Dog

My relentless dog is insane, but I can still outsmart him most of the time.

We were in and out all day. James had to get three booster shots to start summer school in June. We left early without the dog trying to escape. I try to keep him chained up before I leave to go out, to prevent any incidents like a big "escape".

I packed the car, put Ty in his car seat, made sure we didn't forget anything and pushed the dog back into the camper. He does not always like getting back in, so I push his butt with force and he reluctantly saunters back inside.

At the doctor, James was a trouper, only a few sad tears and two sore arms, he easily scored a bunch of stickers for to make him feel better. I was extremely proud of my big, brave boy.

James and his stickers later in the day

Ty was not feeling well and I had to make a second appointment for 1pm to make sure he'd be better for our upcoming trip to NY on Thursday.

Next we made a quick stop by James' school, completed his registration and headed home.

By the time I cleaned the camper, made lunch and did a few 'must dos', it was time to do it all over again. Load the car, baby in his seat, dog pushed back inside. I sat in the jeep and thought carefully, "Is there anything I forgot?" Yes, I did! I forgot Ty's fever medicine. I had to go back in the camper and the dog was in his usual uptight, I want to run away, mood.

I attempted to open the RV door and there was the dog's nose, itching to push through and make a run for it. I kid you not, I was a prisoner outside my own home.

I had to think quick. Ty's medicine was one thing I was not going to leave without. I ran to the other door, which was locked, and knocked on it hard, as if I was going to go in. The dog responded instantly and raced over, thinking he would be able to get out.

I hustled back over to the main door and entered the camper. That silly dog was so mad. I grabbed the medicine and left through my bedroom door after closing off the bedroom. It is a ritual I have mastered. I have learned to outsmart the dog to get in and out of the house.

I hope my husband is reading this and appreciative of the things I do while he is away.

Ty was fine, he will need to ride out his illness. No swimming for him this week And James did a great job swimming, soar arms and all.

Just another day in the RV, living life.

Ty getting some much needed sleep that afternoon

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