
Friday, May 17, 2013

Wednesday - Day 80 - don't cry over spilled milk

Today was one of those days that having an indoor washer and dryer would have prevented me from appreciating where I live.

John made it home from a business trip just in time to see James at his swim lesson and relieve me of my motherly duties, so I could get to a much needed hair appointment.

My friend, Chelley, gave me a great referral, and I couldn't be happier with the speed and quality of my new girl at at my new salon. She was extremely nice too. I felt fortunate, not only was she good, but I was able to get an appointment squeezed in before leaving for our trip to NY.

On my way home John called, he had a dental appointment in less than fifteen minutes and I was planning to meet him at the dentist. He was delayed, Ty's new sippy cup accidentally spilled all over Ty and his car seat. It was a disaster my husband had the honor of cleaning up, but I would be managing damage control.

Once I was settled back home with the boys, I assessed the damage. Ty's lovey was wet from spilled milk and his car seat would definitely need to be pulled apart and washed.

Normally, this would not have been a big deal, however, I didn't have any quarters or cash and I was not even sure the main office was open to make change for me.

Fortunately, John had cash and the office was still open at 7pm. I did a small load of laundry outside and even saw a few neighbors in the process. The weather had been so perfect, it didn't bother me one bit that I had to make change and walk back and forth to do the laundry. For three dollars, the car seat was good as new and both boys had clean loveys, which I proudly hand walked, back to the camper, for my sweet boys.

It would have been easier to skip the laundry, and deal with it when we came home from our trip. Getting it done and enjoying time with James, while he helped me with the quarters was priceless.

The campground is quiet and safe and the entire ritual felt easy and natural.
I wonder how James will remember it one day. The day Ty spilt his milk in daddy's car.

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