
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Tuesday - Day 100 - My Favorite Family

When I was a little girl there was a knock at our front door.  My mother opened the door and there stood three young girls, they were sisters.  Little did I know these three young girls would become a very significant part of my life. 

The girls moved in across the street from us and although my six year old memory is spotty, I do remember my mother letting them in.  It was dark and cold outside, and their parents had been delayed coming home. 

The girls ranged in age, the oldest caring for the younger two.  One of the girls was only a year younger then me.  Her name was Sandra. 

I think this was their 1st Christmas
after they moved into town

I can vividly recall Sandra sitting in our living room, holding her hot chocolate.  We looked at one another, but didn't speak.  She was a lot like me, but I wouldn't know that until many years later. 

Joanna was the youngest, a toddler.  Lissette was the responsible older sister, taking care of her sisters and mindful of her role. She knew she needed a safe place to stay until her parents arrived home.  I can still hear Lisette's voice, she was confident for such a young girl, explaining to my mother the situation. 

My mother, an exceptionally giving woman, opened our home instantly to the three young sisters and took care without a moments hesitation.  She made hot chocolate and offered them food.  Of all the doors they could have knocked on, they came to ours.  

Many years later, holding those images in my mind, our paths often crossed at school and in church.  We all worked at the local church rectory, and liked one another, but never solidified a deep friendship until later in our lives. 

Sandra and I traveled on two church pilgrimages to Lourdes, France together, in our early twenties, took a mission trip to Haiti and soon developed a strong bond which carried over to her entire family.  

Joanna also traveled with us on a Pilgrimage.  Her unique sense of humor and direct life perspective always intrigued me.  Lisette was always a strong role model for me.  At church and as an older sister, she was the voice of reason for all of us. 

Typical Joanna being her bold self!

Lisette and her sparkle

Today I reconnected with Sandra and her entire family.  It had been seven years since we have seen each other. Sometimes we lose touch with people even though we never stopped loving them.  Life is funny that way.  

~We're missing a few family members -
Loved seeing everyone today~

Today I felt like I was going home to see my favorite family.  A family who lived across the street from me for decades. 

Our physical childhood homes are no longer standing, but our love and family connection is still intact.  Seeing Sandra, Joanna, Lisette, their parents and Lisette's son, all grown up, was an unexpected, spontaneous homecoming.  

My own boys instantly connected with all of them and felt loved in the warm environment.  I met Sandra's husband for the first time, he was woven from the same warm, loving thread.   

Sandra and her husband, Carlos

The expression, "Home is where the heart is," is one hundred percent accurate.  I experienced this today, Day 100 on my journey.  And my heart is at home with all the love shared today.  

No matter where we live or how we live, our family and those we love as family, make our home.  I found my childhood home right here in FLorida, my favorite family, The Regalado's.

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