
Friday, June 7, 2013

Wednesday - Day 101 - Choices

While doing my laundry today, I started thinking about all the choices I make in one day.  Many are simple, but others are more complex.  

We all make choices in our lives.  Our mind is constantly thinking, weighing and making decisions.  We often do not pay attention to the constant stream of choices our brain manifests daily, forcing us to decide on even the most mundane tasks.  

For example, as I did my laundry today, I had a choice, do I use 2 or 3 dryers.  I had 3 loads, but one had only a rug in it.  I choose to only use two dryers to save $1.50.
We all manage our choices differently even changing our decisions to accommodate our day.  

I was hustling to take James to his piano lesson and decided to grab the laundry on my way out of the campground.  I would throw all the laundry in the jeep.  

Sometimes things do not go as we planned and we need to quickly reevaluate why our previous decision 
may have not been the best one.  
One dryer was still damp, I had to pay an additional $1.50 to restart the dryer, but first I pulled out all the dry bed sheets and clothes.  My task took longer and I still spent the same amount of money.  Next time I will make a different choice. 

We may choose to "Go with the Flow" as part of the process and having the foresight to know when to change our mind for a better choice or when to continue on the same path is a vital part of life

I instantly changed my plans for the day.  I rearranged a few errands, because my laundry took an extra ten minutes.  

This scenario with my laundry sparked a thought process; I thought there are four types of decision making people.  We all have probably experienced each of these scenarios at one point in our lives. 

1.  Their are people who continually make choices not conducive to a happy life.  They make the wrong life choices with no incentive to make a change.  They continue to make the same type of life choices and do not take any responsibility for their choices.  They can never understand why their life is not happy, they are often frustrated, angry or sad.  

2.  Then, there are people who constantly change paths, making one choice and then quickly changing their mind. They never achieve their hearts desires because they do not allow their path to unfold properly, creating uncertainty, lack of confidence and discontentment.  

3.  The third type are those who are unaware a choice needs to be made and take no action in front of opportunity creating complacement and no life fulfillment.  There is an unexplainable void in their life. 

4.  Finally, there are people who are constantly aware of their choices and know what choice to make and when.  They know when to change their mind if life throws them a curve ball.  They learn from past mistakes, are confident, happy and optimistic about their future.  

Sometimes forces beyond our control create obstacles, but being able to make new decisions helps us to manage and navigate through life effortlessly.  

What type of decision maker are you? 


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