
Thursday, July 25, 2013

Monday - Day 148 - Ironic Life Mysteries

We had another day filled with fun activities.  From a frantic, rich old woman to beautiful cold beaches, to large agile animals.  It was a day filled with irony.  

Winchester Mystery House was our first stop for the day.  Owned by Sarah Winchester, a wealthy heiress of Winchester Rifles.  Although she was financially set for life, she lived in fear of evil spirits who were killed by the famous "Gun that won the West" rifle.  

A medium told Sarah, she would be protected from these spirits if she never stopped building on her home.  Beginning in 1884, she had a team of carpenters and craftsman build onto her home 24 hours a day for 38 years.      

Winchester Mystery House

The Victorian mansion still stands at over 24,000 square feet has 160 rooms, 13 bathrooms, 476 doors, 40 staircases, 47 elevators and 3 elevators.  The oddities of the home, such as staircases and doorways to nowhere, would confuse the evil entities and allow her to have eternal life.  

The home was self sustaining with modern heating and sewer and gas for it's time and gas lighting throughout the home. 

We needed hard hats in the basement,
 for the 'behind the scenes' tour

Sarah never entertained, yet she was in the middle of expanding her already immense ballroom when she died at 82 in 1922. 

She left behind a fortune, a maze of a house, beautiful stain glass windows and some of the most beautiful Parquet floors I have ever seen in my life.  Part of her legacy are the mysteries around her home.  

We moved on to see the Santa Cruz, CA beaches and the boardwalk. We found ourselves comparing them to New Smyrna Beach, FL beaches.  In contrast ours are warm with a lot less seaweed.  

Santa Cruz Beach -
that's seaweed on his arms, compliments of Jack

We were surprised how cool it was, yet the beaches were filled with people sunning themselves and fully clothed.  Only a select few ventured into the water, the small kids and those learning to surf.   

We took it all in and found time to reflect and appreciate everything around us.  


After dinner on the boardwalk, we took time to be fascinated by the Sea Lions underneath us.  They were funny, large, loud creatures who found ways to jump onto the beams holding up the boardwalk. How do they get up there and make it look so easy? 

One of our Sea Lion Friends

James was our little Sea Lion barking all the way to our hotel.  A day to be savored. 

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