
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Tuesday - Day 149 - Conquering Fears

We left Santa Cruz this morning and headed to Las Vegas, an eight and half hour drive, with five kids there was lots to see and talk about to fill the time.  We are a funny bunch, all so different in our life perspectives, yet we seem to find a groove together as a family even in unusual circumstances.  

We stopped to get lunch at a Carl's Jr.  somewhere in California.  This was a good stop for the kids.  They were able to interact with people from the opposite coast.  I think they were pleasantly surprised that as individuals we may not all look the same on the outside, but we are very much the same at heart.  

The girls shared a moment with a young woman in the bathroom, they all bonded over two toilets and only one door.  No one wanted the toilet with no door.  They all laughed about their predicament.  

John had an entirely different experience in the men's room.  James was taking his time to poop in the only stall while John waited on him.  Two strange men were also waiting.  John joked the men could have been gang members based on their rough exterior.  They both were fully engaged in John's conversation with James about his poop progress, and found it extremely amusing.  I secretly  would call this a "Pulp Fiction" moment. 

Meanwhile the girls spoke Spanish with a woman and her child while we waited on our food, her English was limited, yet they were able to communicate.  

We are an interactive family, it truly makes no difference where we are or who we meet. 

My entire family agreed, once we were back in car, every person we came in contact with was extremely polite, and patient, especially while I ordered carefully for seven us, (including our picky burger eaters.)

I started to wonder if we simply stood out, maybe we looked out of place, all our children, blond and brown parading inside.  John's bathroom buddies certainly understood and noticed he had five mouths to feed.  For me, I subtly took note of people's kind manners, but I was personally unphased by our surroundings until I collaborated their stories.  I felt an interesting vibe, an awareness which became significant at this moment for my children's personal growth.  I smiled inside as we continued our drive.  

We finally made it to our hotel in Vegas later that night hungry and tried.  We stayed at The Luxor, it is shaped like a pyramid.  The kids were wide eyed in the Casino. Vegas was certainly like no place else they have ever been.  

 The Luxor

 On the 25th floor......

 It's a loooong way down. 

We checked out Pawn Stars shop, an important Jack moment.  Jack loves the show.  

Then grabbed a quick meal and climbed the Stratosphere.  Haley, Marcella and I all rode extreme rides at the top of Stratosphere.  It was super exciting and Marcella conquered her fear of heights.  This was a significant moment in Marcella's life. 

The day was filled with fascination and first experiences; what better way to fill our childrens' minds then to allow them to experience life one moment at a time, conquering fears one at a time.  


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