
Monday, July 1, 2013

Saturday - Day 125 - Perfect Timing

We woke up this morning and questioned one another on what our most favorite and unfavorite things are about the living in the camper.

Ty loves everything, his little futon, running around, the beach and James' goggles! 

Ty keeps us smiling

James' favorite things are the pool, his bunk, catching frogs and lizards and his friends.  He told us his least favorite thing is the beach.  However, I would have to say it reflected on his mood, because once we arrived at the beach he was one hundred percent happy.  

James loves catching little reptiles,
frogs & lizards

John's favorite things are living on vacation, being cozy, the simplicity, crawling into bed at night and living near the kids. 

John's least favorite things are having no dishwasher, no real bathroom, working from home without an office, all the dirt at our campground and no ice maker.    

Us, at Breakfast this morning talking about our favorite things

When, I asked myself the same questions, I have to admit I took my time to find answers.  I have so many likes and dislikes.  But, to be sincere to the integrity of the blog, I wanted to be sure I found my most favorite things about RVing life as well as my most least favorite. 

My favorite things, are when it rains really hard outside, even though it is loud and hard to hear, (esp. if the TV is on) I still love the sanctuary that is the RV during a thunder storm.  

My favorite is making jokes about living in a trailer, because I've learned not to care what others think, and it's okay to laugh at ourselves.  Laughter is good.  Life is funny. 

My favorite is knowing I can live anywhere, anyplace, nothing will ever slow me down, when it comes to conquering challenges.  

My least favorite things are the stinky well water.  First thing in the morning the hot water always smells the worse.  It's not bad to use, it just stinks. 

My least favorite thing is using the toilet and being concerned if my husband is going to complain that the sewer is backed up.  This really makes me laugh, because he tells me to use the public restrooms and I hardly ever do.  So, now it's a bit of a game, I stop and think, "Will this make it through to the end?"

My least favorite thing is making my bed and the dog is always in the way.  He likes to lay in a certain spot and refuses to move, even for a minute while I make the bed.  He is as stubborn as me not using the public restrooms. 

I'm going to end my blog, with a little story.  My husband, boys and I went to the beach around 9:15 this morning.  We decided to come home after a few hours.  We get everyone and everything inside the RV.  John attached the T-tops back on the Jeep.  As soon as he walked inside the RV it started down pouring.  The timing was simply so perfect.  The rain was loud on the roof of the camper.  And I was in my favorite place doing my favorite thing. 

"Just the Rain!"

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